Failing and falling – Pastor David Nathan

God wants us to understand the value of falling, the value of failing, and recalibrating our Christian walk accordingly
We can often grow more spiritually by doing it wrong, than by doing it right.
Walking and falling, and walking and failing, are things that go together.

Psalm 37:23-24
Proverbs 24:16
John 6:18-21
Matthew 14:22-32
Micah 7:8

Divine Joinery – Pastor David Nathan

Unfolding God’s passion for relationship

5 Designs for Redemption:

  • to reduce and subdue the enemies of God so they can be put under his feet
  • God design was to perfectly restore all the rulers of the fall
  • bringing into union with one another all the believers
  • designed to advance to the elect the glory of all such as the eye has not seen
  • In all of this God is accomplshing the glory of the Trinity to the nth degree

Redemption is connected to slavery and bondage, and you can only be freed if someone pays for your freedom.

1 Corinthians 15 5
Ephesians 1:2-10
Job 19:26