This one thing

We made a very big decision.

Moving to Sydney in 2012 to plant a church was a massive deal. And honestly, the years that have followed have had extremes of everything from exhilaration to devastation and everything in between.

There are many times we’ve asked WHY?

It’s a good question.

In the year that we’re all having, just about everything has been challenged and tested. Church life looks very different now, and the way things used to be is a very distant memory.

We need to be reminded WHY we started in the first place. Because if the original WHY is still valid now, then all we need to do is settle on how we can achieve the WHY.

So here goes.

The WHY of the Hive Church was (and still is) to be a disciple-making church.

Disciple-making is our one thing.

As we look towards the future, our success will be measured according to how this looks.

So what exactly does it mean to be a disciple of Jesus? I’m interested in how you would set about defining this. There’s many different verses and thoughts that we could pepper into this conversation, but if it really is a commandment of Jesus, then as my wife Yve would say: “we need to put arms and legs on it.”

How true.

Can I suggest there are actually two definitions to grapple with: defining both discipleship and disciple making, because that’s the language that Jesus uses in Matthew 28:19 and I propose they are linked but different.

Now go in My authority and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. And teach them to faithfully follow all that I have commanded you. And never forget that I am with you every day, even to the completion of this age

Matthew 28:18-20 TPT

So here’s some thoughts.

It’s by no means the last word on the subject, but if you’ve been around our community for a while then you may have heard us talk about some of our core values we call ‘The 3 R’s”.

In fact, our Sunday gatherings on November 22 & 29, and December 6th will focus on these values (click here to have a look at this content as and when it’s uploaded).

Here’s the 3 R’s:

  • Relationship
  • Revelation
  • Restoration

Here’s a way to relate some of our core values to the subject of discipleship.

Defining a Disciple

1) A disciple is someone who is in relationship with Jesus AND in relationship with at least one other person who is teaching and supporting them in their faith journey 

2) A disciple is someone who know’s the voice of Jesus because they are actively receiving revelation truth from God’s Word the Bible AND learning to discern & receive the revelation truth in the voice of another more mature disciple who is guiding and teaching them “My sheep know My voice” [John 10:27]

3) A disciple who is someone who becomes inspired by hearing the testimonies of how Jesus has changed and brought restoration in the lives of other disciples whom they are in relationship with. A disciple beings to carry their own testimony of how following Jesus has brought change and restoration to their life eg “once I was blind but now I see” [John 9:25] 

Defining a Disciple-maker

1) A disciple-maker is someone who is in relationship with Jesus; and second in active and intentional relationship with someone who is not yet in relationship with Jesus or is already in relationship with Jesus; the ultimate aim being to impart and  support them in their faith journey  

2) A disciple-maker is someone who is actively receiving revelation truth from God’s Word, and is able to “handle the Word of truth” [2 Timothy 2:15] to the extent that they can impart revelation truth to another person    

3) A disciple-maker is someone who is growing in their capacity to minister restoration to another. This ministering of restoration is “by My Spirit” [Zechariah 4:6] and will be shaped by spiritual gifting, experience and training.   

How do you respond to this perspective?

What is your personal WHY?

You can interact and comment by emailing

Reaching out to Fiji

Rob & Cathy Chandler who are connected to our Hive Community, are advocates and supporters of the Early Education Centre (Lovu, Fiji).

In association with PCF (Pentecostal Church of Fiji), gift packs are being assembled which will go to the poor community near the dump, and also to isolated communities in the interior.

In addition, gift packs will be distributed to a community on Beqa Island on the east coast of Fiji.

How can I make a difference?

Help to fill a shipping container with items that are needed to complete the Gift packs.

Time is of the essence, as the container leaves Ingleside (Sydney) at the end of this week November 27th 2020.

What can I donate?

  • any devices, mobile phones, tablets cleared to factory settings 
  • iPads, lap tops (note: televisions not wanted) 
  • any unopened or tagged items that can be wrapped by the Fijian church women as Christmas presents to the really poor in the interior. 
  • good tools (there is a large tool box to fill)
  • any perfumes, toiletries etc (must be unused) 
  • bean bags, easy seating (they can make Removable covers and they are good fillers in the container
  • children toys but no awkward shapes
  • boxed games/puzzles/craft
  • handbags & bras
  • small toys like  little animals etc. boxed lego. 
  • shoes any size/age

What is the deadline?

All donations must be received at the shipping container by 11:00 AM Thursday November 26th.

What are my delivery options?

  • small items can be express posted to R&C Chandler PO Box 132 North Narrabeen 2101 (note delivery must occur by Wednesday November 25th)
  • alternatively there is a one-off drop off time on Wednesday November 25th 5:00PM – 7:00PM to 18 Hampden Ave Wahroonga. Yve & Aileen will be ready for you.

Who can I contact if I have any questions?

Please direct your enquiries to Yve on 0412 455925.

Your help, support and contribution is heart warming and appreciated.

VINAKA with love.

Translating God

What is your Mt Everest?

In this pandemic time, the ultimate summit climb seems to be the frantic race to market with a proven vaccine.

However for many others, its probably a lot more basic: ‘I just want to survive and make it to tomorrow’.

How about you?

Can we suggest that the challenges we face in life tend to fall into three broad categories: relationships, finances, and health.

At any given time, you, or someone you know is probably trying to make sense of one or maybe more of these things.

Some people say you shouldn’t question God, however if relationship with God is at the heart of the Christian walk, then why not?

Asking ‘why’ is totally ok, and asking God why is even better.

Crying out to God could be your next step up your personal summit.

Why? Help me! I don’t know what to do

Here’s two principles we are learning about translating God:

(1) He overwhelms my overwhelm
Gut level raw honest communication with God is relationship at it’s finest, and this opens up the way for Him to overwhelm your overwhelm with His generous grace.

And if anyone longs to be wise, ask God for wisdom and He will give it! He won’t see your lack of wisdom as an opportunity to scold you over your failures but He will overwhelm your failures with His generous grace. Just make sure you ask empowered by confident faith without doubting that you will receive.

James 1:5-6 TPT

(2) He groans for my groaning
And remember: if the only sound you can get out is a groan, then that’s ok too. The deep places in your heart call to the deep places in His heart (Psalm 42:7) and Jesus hears your groan and begins groaning for you to His Father.

How wonderful!

For example, at times we don’t even know how to pray, or know the best things to ask for. But the Holy Spirit rises up within us to super-intercede on our behalf, pleading to God with emotional sighs too deep for words.

Romans 8:26 TPT

So … may you sense His presence with you right now wherever you are and no matter your groan (or the groan of someone you may be supporting). And may the Holy Spirit not only super-intercede for you, but also super-translate God directly into your situation.

You might like to share your comments and experiences with translating God by emailing

It’s not ok

So here’s a question for you … what’s your reaction to domestic violence?

This was the question that confronted us when a close friend got in touch yesterday who has been on the receiving end of an abusive situation.

This is a big conversation, and there’s no quick fixes. Nevertheless it’s real and it’s in our world; in our communities and right here in our suburbs.

Perhaps domestic violence is near to you and afflicting those you care about?

Here’s our response to our friend, and what came tumbling out of us in the moment. Maybe this is timely for you; maybe not. Our heart is to provide some thoughts you can process and consider integrating into the context of your understanding of this critical subject.