Generosity and the support of ministry

A conversation about giving

What are your thoughts and values around the subject of giving?

Recently at one of our Sunday gatherings, the chairperson of the Hive Church board shared our perspective on giving with particular reference to financially enabling the work of ministry.

Here’s what was said:

Hello everyone,
I have the privilege of working with a wonderful group of people who form the Hive Church Board.
The Board fulfils a legal requirement required by legislation, but has a much more important role in supporting the Hive Pastors and monitoring the business, compliance and ministry functions of the Church.
Today I want to bring you up to date with the church finances.
We have been blessed by those who have given freely to the work of the Hive.
This year we have set a budget with a 20% increase in giving over last year.
Our finances support the operation of the Church, covering things such as music royalties, technical operation, support of missions, usage of facilities and payment for two days per week for our pastor, David.
We understand that circumstances are different for everyone and our giving is something we should decide on based on our financial circumstances and how God is calling each of us to use our money.
Although there are many differing views on what the Bible has to say about giving, it is clear that there is a strong Biblical basis regarding generosity; the call to support those in ministry; and the financial enabling of church life.
Despite references to 10% and the first fruits of our labour etc, the amount is not mandated in the New Testament. We believe this is a personal decision and responsibility that each of us carries.
We want to keep you up to date on our giving and expenditure so that are all aware of how we are progressing throughout the year.
Please remember the purpose of our giving as an act of worship is to see God’s kingdom grow and to support the church to reach those in our community and beyond.
Can I encourage you to consider your ability to support the Hive and commit an amount each week or month. One way of giving is to set up a recurring electronic payment for the year. This way your giving can be systematic and regular. Some may also wish to make one-off offerings of larger amounts from time to time.
In no way should our giving ever be seen as burden for us.
Giving should always be from a posture of generosity and not out of duty or guilt. Please be prayerful in considering the part you play in the life of the church, and your giving as part of your worship.
Please pray for the Board as we seek to support the ministry of the Hive.
Thank you, The Hive Church Board, Sunday March 21st 2021

We hope this meaningfully helps you to clarify your personal views on this important topic. You can share your feedback by emailing