Liquid gold

It’s a no-brainer that the rarity of precious metals is what makes them so valuable. However, what you may not know, is how essential metals such as silver and gold are to modern day life. Whilst a high percentage of precious metals are used in jewellery and ornaments, they also turn up in a wide variety of every day applications that may surprise you.

Gold for example, which is both corrosion resistant and capable of static-free electrical conduction, is used in the nearly 1.5 million smart phones sold every year.

Perhaps that explains why mobiles cost so much!

The best-known precious metals, gold (Au) and silver (Ag), have been used since ancient times.

Silver was used by the ancient Greeks for it’s natural antimicrobial properties before the discovery of modern antibiotics. Today silver continues to be used in X-rays, other medical applications, and also water purification.

Panning for gold

It’s hardly surprising that both silver and gold are referenced so frequently in the Bible; both literally and metaphorically.

Apparently Peter and John told the lame man they didn’t have any (Acts 3:6). King David on the other hand amassed so much of it that he had three thousand talents of gold and seven thousand talents of refined silver (1 Chronicles 29:4) – more than enough to underwrite the temple building project that was to be supervised by his son.

And whilst King Solomon inherited this vast wealth, he ascribed an even greater value to the treasures of wisdom.

Happy is the man who finds wisdom, and the man who gains understanding; For her proceeds are better than the profits of silver, and her gain than fine gold.

Proverbs 3:13,14

A new value proposition

The good news of the Gospel of Jesus Christ brings with it a radical re-engineering of societal strata based on earning capability, possessions, and investment accumulation. Believers become citizens in what has been aptly described as an ‘upside down kingdom’. The flimflam of meritocracy is stripped bare, and ends with emptiness. Alternatively, the pathway to genuine value begins with losing but ends with gain.

For whoever desires to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake and the gospel’s will save it

Mark 8:35,36

Do you not perceive it?

Can I propose that as a matter of urgency we need to seek God for wisdom such that we would understand more clearly His plans and purposes for the times in which we live.

Ask. Seek. Knock.

What do you perceive? You can share your thoughts and comments via email to

Searching for an upside

Has there ever been a time in living memory when so many tumultuous events are colliding simultaneously on the on-ramp of global news? Each one jostling for prominence on the world stage; vying for media attention, government resource and our personal screen time.

Crisis creates focus

If there was anything we learnt during the recent pandemic it’s that crisis causes us to focus on what really matters. Perhaps sometimes we need a jolt.

Or three.

You may be feeling like you have crisis fatigue. I most certainly do and the thought of an easier life somewhere else doing less and solving less problems seems very appealing at times.

However I can’t help asking myself this ongoing question:

What if God is inviting me into the most focussed season of my life so far? What if He desires to align my priorities more closely than ever with His own?

Perhaps like me, you’ve been following the stories and pictures from Warsaw that John L has been sharing. To be honest, it makes it all the more real when someone I actually know is there.

Some personal reflections

As I witness the unfolding events, several things are clear to me:

  • Endeavours such as the humanitarian project John is involved with, and the brutality of war within which it has been birthed, points convincingly to me of the existence of a spiritual realm and the opposing forces of both good and evil. Not everyone is convinced of this, and some would claim there are no moral absolutes and no such thing as a personal God, or indeed a conscience. The horrors of war and the intrinsic evil it disgorges must surely compel us to re-think the case for the God of the Christian world-view. And then wrestle as believers with what it might look like for the Lord’s prayer (Matthew 6:9-10) to be answered in the context of war.
  • I am compelled to consider the principles upon which I base my decisions as a follower of Jesus, and as part of this to invite the Holy Spirit’s scrutiny of my heart, and the integrity of my lived-out faith, and to hold up scriptures like the following as light bearing prisms to my soul: “True spirituality that is pure in the eyes of our Father God is to make a difference in the lives of the orphans, and widows in their troubles, and to refuse to be corrupted by the world’s values” (James 1:27 TPT)
  • In view of this, I must ask the question “Why wouldn’t I consider giving to those who are effectively widowed and orphaned at this time?

Check mate?

I must also share with you an inner sense of expectation stirring for a coming unparalleled advance of the Kingdom of God at this time. What if crisis is not only sharpening our focus like never before, but what if the LORD intends that this be a time when we learn to fight like never before?

There IS an upside!

In the context of spiritual warfare, I recently heard it said:

When it looks like the enemy has just played his best card, he’s actually played his last card

Bethel TV 1.5.22

Hallelujah: in all things we are more than conquerors through Him that loved us! (Romans 8:37).

I believe He is training our fingers for battle (Psalm 144:1).

Not just a third world problem

Some of you who have lived in or perhaps visited third world countries may have observed how real the sense of demonically inspired darkness and oppression can feel.

I propose that spiritual warfare is needed in our so called first world environment.

It’s time for light to triumph over darkness again.

In our prayers; in our actions; and in our giving.

How to support the Ukraine project

  • Donations to the Lions Warsaw Ukraine project can be made to:-
  • Account name: Lions Club 201N5
  • BSB 032055
  • Account 163233
  • Please reference in your payment notation ‘Warsaw Ukraine Project’
  • Please also kindly send an email advising of your donation and amount by email to:

A personal letter from John L

25th April 2022

Dear Members of Lions Clubs in Australia together with any other interested people in Australia, 

Over the past 5 days I have been working closely with the Lions Club of Warsaw under the expertise of their president Michael Wigurski. Michael and his team of volunteers have been working tirelessly over the past 2 months to provide assistance to the 10’s of thousands of Ukrainian refugees that have fled from the Ukrainian war as a result of the Russian invasion since mid-February 2022. Lions Warsaw are performing ‘heavy duty lifting at the moment”. 

Lions Warsaw have installed a number of tents (see attached) that are strategically located outside the Ukrainian Embassy and Ukraine Embassy in Warsaw Poland. One main tent provides refreshments food and hot drinks for many of these poor people that have fled their nation many after their homes have been totally destroyed.  Almost 2.8 million Ukrainians have ended up in Poland with the vast majority located in Warsaw (Poland Capital). 

There is an information tent that is open all day in bitterly cold and dangerous conditions that is very difficult for the volunteers to continue to work in such risky and extreme cold temperatures. Lately heavy and constant rain has caused many problems for example on my 1st week here in Warsaw last week the photocopying equipment was repositioned inside the Consulate due to the dangerous nature of electrocution caused by live wires and the extreme wet conditions in the tent. Another tent has been used for photos to be taken professionally for Ukrainian Refugees to supplement their passport application. Unfortunately the tents cannot continue to be an effective and safe working environment the result being that visa application processes are delayed due to poor weather. Michael has indicated that he is committed to improve the conditions of the Information Centre (see the attached report) “LC Information Centre for Refugees from Ukraine”. 

Michael is currently seeking Euros 53,478 to bring the centre up to an acceptable level. The major cost is to replace the tents with a modified Shipping Container (see page 7) that is budgeted to cost Euro 13,478 which is equivalent to Aud $20,116. 

I believe that Australian Lions plus any other interested Australia need to recognize the extraordinary efforts of Lions Clubs in Warsaw, Poland. I would propose that a working fund is opened asap by Lions in Sydney and/or Australia to assist Lions Clubs of Warsaw, Poland. Without any shadow of doubt Warsaw Lions are absorbing the ‘heavy lifting’ and assisting the Ukrainian refugees like no other. Would it be unreasonable that a target of Aud $10,000 be agreed to ? (that is half of the required funds for the Call Centre at Euro 13,043)  We all believe that the current situation in Ukraine is going through bumpy times. The future is not assured.  The task ahead is enormous and it would be wonderful if Australian Lions plus any other interested Australians are encouraged to contribute to this worthy cause. 


John Lockyer

Immediate Past President of Lions Club of Hornsby Inc.