It’s not Automated

How do you go about making decisions as a follower of Jesus?

We were asked this question recently, and in the context of a new year opening up feel it’s worthwhile sharing some thoughts on the subject.

Please share comments from your experience.


The call to be a disciple is to relationship; to be with Jesus 24×7; to make a re-set such that Jesus becomes our core focus and our reason for being.

It is through Him that we live and function and have our identity

Acts 17:28 (TPT)

Motivation looks different now.

It’s about finding out what pleases Him.


What would Jesus do?

Arising from this perspective of the Christian life, the basis for decision making also changes.

Being joined to Jesus calls for surrender to His will or the yoke can become very uncomfortable. Surrender may feel like an out of date concept, however it remains the key to Jesus life being formed in us, and to discovering His heart.

(Romans 12). Therefore He has first place and our pleasure comes from bringing Him pleasure. 

I encourage you to surrender yourselves to God to be His sacred living sacrifices. And live in holiness, experiencing all that delights His heart. For this becomes your genuine expression of worship.

Romans 12:1 (TPT)

Our decisions are formed from a place of relationship with Jesus. 

Faith is formed in this yoking relationship and we are invited into a posture of trust as in all our ways we acknowledge Him and give Him permission to let Him direct our paths (Proverbs 3:5,6).

This is the surrendered life.

This is the pathway to walking in wisdom. 

And this is the pathway to true freedom. 


A teachable heart is the indicator of true ‘son-ship’. Wise and godly decision makers are those who walk in a posture of humility and seek wise counsel. The beginning point is simply to ask (James 1:5). True asking is a high energy focussed activity (see Proverbs 2:1-12 for the varying nuances of this). 

The follower of Jesus can access counsel for decision making from: 

  1. the Word of God, the Bible (2 Timothy 3:16; 1 John 2:14) 
  2. the indwelling person of the Holy Spirit (John 16:13-15) and the wisdom we access from Him through prayer as He makes intercession for us   
  3. those gifted with discernment and prophecy (1 Timothy 1:18) 
  4. Godly men and women who are imitators of Christ (1 Corinthians 11:1)

The more we grow into Christ the more we know Him and trust Him, and the more we know Him the more we grow to be like Him, and thereby to move closer to being able to ask according to his will.  


Knowing Him and the sound of His voice is the prize, and to experience this is to experience paradise lost (John 10:4; Genesis 3:10). This is the hallmark of intimacy.  A deep knowing of the living loving God who communicates with just a look of His eye (Psalm 32:8-9) and with a depth that transcends words.   

This is the profound relationship He is wooing us to pursue. 

It’s not automated. It’s INTIMATED

Guidance on the road map of life is not automated or robotic for the believer.

Rather it is heart felt; intimated Spirit to spirit.

But as it is written:

But as it is written: “Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor has entered into the heart of man the things that God has prepared for those who love Him”. But God has revealed them to us through His Spirit. 

1 Corinthians 2:8,9 (NKJV)

Why not set aside some time now, and bring to God any decisions that you are facing as 2024 unfolds.

Ask: Lord, what is it that you are asking me to be aware?

Is there anything you want to say?

Are there any scriptures you want me to consider?