The pandemic Pivot

A performance on June 24th, 1993 by garage punk band ‘Severe Tire Damage’ is thought to be the internet’s first video live stream.

But the Spirit of God has been streaming live way longer than that.

The question we ask you in this corona crisis time is: ‘are you living in the live stream?’

Your answer to this question could very well make the difference between you backsliding in your faith one day, or by the grace of God continuing to go on from strength to strength.


Your future in God could depend on this.

What is the Biblical basis for a live stream?

There are frequent mentions in the Bible to the metaphor of a ‘river’.

Examples include the four rivers of Eden (Genesis 2:10ff); the prophecies in Jeremiah 17:8 and Ezekiel 47; the rivers of living water mentioned by Jesus to the woman at the well (John 7); and the river spoken of by John in Revelation chapter 22.

What is this river?

The river refers to all that flows from the wonderful influence and impact of God’s throne.

God’s river is FULL of life, health and wholeness.

The river is NOT God, but exists because of WHO God is.

We don’t worship the river, but we look eagerly for the flow-on effect of God and His reign.

Our response is to worship God, and be eager for what will happen in the live stream of His living waters.

Are you living in the Live Stream?

You can find a mentor for live stream living in a time of crisis in the writings of King David (see Psalm 46:1-5).

Wisdom and understanding are often birthed in the crucible of trial, so if you’re struggling at this time then get ready: gold nuggets of learning are coming your way!

Here are three live streaming principles:

1. God IS

‘God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in time of trouble’ (Psalm 46:1)

Our God is the God of NOW!

He IS the ‘I am that I am’ (Exodus 3:14).

All that He IS, is right now!!!

Refuge, Strength; Love; Joy; Peace; Truth; Goodness; Wisdom; Healer; Comforter … there’s not enough adjectives!!!!

He IS.


‘Even though the earth be removed, and though the mountains be carried into the midst of the sea; though it’s waters roar and be troubled, though the mountains shake with it’s swelling’ (Psalm 46:2,3).

With all the literary device and poetic skill the psalmist has at his disposal, King David describes the most extreme weather events he can imagine.

Have another look at the Bible verses again.

‘Even though the earth be removed … ‘ etc.

What is your even though? (perhaps you can fill in the blank)

Even though … I lose my job.

Even though … I face a terminal illness

Even though … I experience a catastrophic relationship breakdown

What is the point?

King David is saying, even though these events may happen, God still IS.

3. Because God is THEREFORE

‘Therefore we will not fear … God is in the midst of her, she shall not be moved’ (Psalm 46:2, 5).

One thing that’s important to be really clear about.

Belief in God, and being a Christian doesn’t call for the denial of reality.

Bad things do happen.

Problems do exist.

We suggest that the big question to here is this: does the existence of extreme difficulty in the life of a believer disprove the existence of God?

The Pandemic Pivot

If nothing else, this season of COVID 19 is global proof that crisis and disaster are a reality.

However King David is driving home a bigger point.

There is a yet HIGHER reality!

His name is ‘Wonderful, Counsellor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. Of the increase of His government and peace there will be no end’ (Isaiah 9:6,7).

The pandemic pivot is an intentional choice to focus on the unchanging higher reality of who God IS.

In spite of, and in the middle of the current crash of circumstances.

There IS a river!


You can click here to view a powerful story of a pandemic pivot in action which was recorded at church on-line April 26th.

Plus you can get in touch here to comment, share a prayer need, or a ‘River’ story from your own experience.

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