Hospitality Jesus style

(Note: Content by Yve Nathan. Edited by David Nathan)

After week upon week of lockdown, people are longing to re-connect. More than ever before, there’s a need to socialise in person and to be around others. It’s time for communal eating to make a comeback.

But before we go any further:

HOT TIP: Click on this link to WATCH THE VIDEO and this content must be seen to truly be experienced.

Communal eating increases feelings of well-being and contentment. People feel embodied in their communities.

What was Jesus style?

The bible narrative of Jesus is all about food, meals and people. For example check out these stories:

  • Wedding reception (John 2:1-11)
  • Lunch with a tax collector (Luke 19:1-10)
  • An overly fussy meal with two sisters (Luke 10:25-42)
  • Travel food (Luke 24:13-35)
  • Breakfast by the Sea (John 21)
  • A meal with an unexpected worship moment (Luke 7:36)

Food culture in the 1st century

In western culture we eat food that sits on a plate – solo – in front of us. Share plates are becoming more common (at least they were pre-pandemic) but generally it’s MY food on MY plate.

However in 1st century Israel as in much of the middle eastern world, bread was dipped into a common bowl containing herbs.

There was close proximity and intimate sharing.

Common bowls in the dining experience expressed friendship.

To share a meal was to share a life. Shared food was an invitation into friendship.

The last supper

The deepest example of this is found in John 13. This is the story of Jesus final meal event with his disciples.

Jesus profoundly demonstrates what it means to share His life by sharing a meal.

This is next level.

  • Jesus books up the venue
  • He washes their feet
  • He serves them
  • He invites them to receive His life symbolically via two common inclusions in every meal of that era: bread & wine

Food from the heart

Jesus style hospitality is far more about the heart than it is about the food that is served, the quality of the crockery, or the impressiveness of the home.

No matter what, make room in your heart to love every believer and show hospitality to strangers for they may be angels from God showing up as your guest.

Hebrews 13:1-2

Daily they met together in the temple courts and in one-another’s homes to celebrate communion. They shared meals together with joyful hearts and tender humility.

Acts 2:46


Will you share a meal Jesus style with someone around you – with love, generosity, inclusiveness?

Will you share your heart and your table with family, friends, and with those hungry for community?


To share a meal is to share a life. To share a meal is to invite into friendship.

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