Urgent call to look up

You will be well aware of the recent spread of Covid-19 variants, and the daily impact on people’s lives including those of us who currently live in lock down.

We are deeply concerned about the consuming influence of the pandemic and it’s capacity to absorb focus and destroy well being on a global scale.

Information overload (also known as infobesity) is generally associated with the excessive quantity of daily facts and data that jostles for our attention. And if ever there was a time when our collective attention is being distracted and diverted by the daily scrutiny of all manner of data and opinion, then surely that time is now.

Looking unto Jesus

Yet whilst much is at stake, we believe this could be the finest hour for the good news of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and the abounding work of God’s Spirit among us all.

Here’s three reasons why lock down need not drag down our focus, nor cause us to feel down hearted.

1) Restrictions don’t restrict Jesus.

If the resurrected Jesus could walk through closed doors (John 20:19) and appear before His followers then He can do it again! By the power of His Spirit we release His presence and peace into your lock down right now.

‘Peace be still’.

2) Challenge can leverage your fruitfulness

Get ready for a greater measure of Jesus influence in your life, because difficulty is and always has been a catalyst for more of His power (James 1:2-4). Open up your heart to the Spirit of Joy.

There’s more!

3) Loss can sharpen your priorities

Sometimes it’s not until our freedoms are removed that we we realise what really matters. Your lockdown slow provides time to take stock and consider how to build with eternity in mind (1 Corinthians 3:12-16). Re-set.

God is redeeming the times.

Stop. Look up. Listen. Recieve.

And give God thanks for turning your lock down into a look up.

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