Liquid gold

It’s a no-brainer that the rarity of precious metals is what makes them so valuable. However, what you may not know, is how essential metals such as silver and gold are to modern day life. Whilst a high percentage of precious metals are used in jewellery and ornaments, they also turn up in a wide variety of every day applications that may surprise you.

Gold for example, which is both corrosion resistant and capable of static-free electrical conduction, is used in the nearly 1.5 million smart phones sold every year.

Perhaps that explains why mobiles cost so much!

The best-known precious metals, gold (Au) and silver (Ag), have been used since ancient times.

Silver was used by the ancient Greeks for it’s natural antimicrobial properties before the discovery of modern antibiotics. Today silver continues to be used in X-rays, other medical applications, and also water purification.

Panning for gold

It’s hardly surprising that both silver and gold are referenced so frequently in the Bible; both literally and metaphorically.

Apparently Peter and John told the lame man they didn’t have any (Acts 3:6). King David on the other hand amassed so much of it that he had three thousand talents of gold and seven thousand talents of refined silver (1 Chronicles 29:4) – more than enough to underwrite the temple building project that was to be supervised by his son.

And whilst King Solomon inherited this vast wealth, he ascribed an even greater value to the treasures of wisdom.

Happy is the man who finds wisdom, and the man who gains understanding; For her proceeds are better than the profits of silver, and her gain than fine gold.

Proverbs 3:13,14

A new value proposition

The good news of the Gospel of Jesus Christ brings with it a radical re-engineering of societal strata based on earning capability, possessions, and investment accumulation. Believers become citizens in what has been aptly described as an ‘upside down kingdom’. The flimflam of meritocracy is stripped bare, and ends with emptiness. Alternatively, the pathway to genuine value begins with losing but ends with gain.

For whoever desires to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake and the gospel’s will save it

Mark 8:35,36

Do you not perceive it?

Can I propose that as a matter of urgency we need to seek God for wisdom such that we would understand more clearly His plans and purposes for the times in which we live.

Ask. Seek. Knock.

What do you perceive? You can share your thoughts and comments via email to

Searching for an upside

Has there ever been a time in living memory when so many tumultuous events are colliding simultaneously on the on-ramp of global news? Each one jostling for prominence on the world stage; vying for media attention, government resource and our personal screen time.

Crisis creates focus

If there was anything we learnt during the recent pandemic it’s that crisis causes us to focus on what really matters. Perhaps sometimes we need a jolt.

Or three.

You may be feeling like you have crisis fatigue. I most certainly do and the thought of an easier life somewhere else doing less and solving less problems seems very appealing at times.

However I can’t help asking myself this ongoing question:

What if God is inviting me into the most focussed season of my life so far? What if He desires to align my priorities more closely than ever with His own?

Perhaps like me, you’ve been following the stories and pictures from Warsaw that John L has been sharing. To be honest, it makes it all the more real when someone I actually know is there.

Some personal reflections

As I witness the unfolding events, several things are clear to me:

  • Endeavours such as the humanitarian project John is involved with, and the brutality of war within which it has been birthed, points convincingly to me of the existence of a spiritual realm and the opposing forces of both good and evil. Not everyone is convinced of this, and some would claim there are no moral absolutes and no such thing as a personal God, or indeed a conscience. The horrors of war and the intrinsic evil it disgorges must surely compel us to re-think the case for the God of the Christian world-view. And then wrestle as believers with what it might look like for the Lord’s prayer (Matthew 6:9-10) to be answered in the context of war.
  • I am compelled to consider the principles upon which I base my decisions as a follower of Jesus, and as part of this to invite the Holy Spirit’s scrutiny of my heart, and the integrity of my lived-out faith, and to hold up scriptures like the following as light bearing prisms to my soul: “True spirituality that is pure in the eyes of our Father God is to make a difference in the lives of the orphans, and widows in their troubles, and to refuse to be corrupted by the world’s values” (James 1:27 TPT)
  • In view of this, I must ask the question “Why wouldn’t I consider giving to those who are effectively widowed and orphaned at this time?

Check mate?

I must also share with you an inner sense of expectation stirring for a coming unparalleled advance of the Kingdom of God at this time. What if crisis is not only sharpening our focus like never before, but what if the LORD intends that this be a time when we learn to fight like never before?

There IS an upside!

In the context of spiritual warfare, I recently heard it said:

When it looks like the enemy has just played his best card, he’s actually played his last card

Bethel TV 1.5.22

Hallelujah: in all things we are more than conquerors through Him that loved us! (Romans 8:37).

I believe He is training our fingers for battle (Psalm 144:1).

Not just a third world problem

Some of you who have lived in or perhaps visited third world countries may have observed how real the sense of demonically inspired darkness and oppression can feel.

I propose that spiritual warfare is needed in our so called first world environment.

It’s time for light to triumph over darkness again.

In our prayers; in our actions; and in our giving.

How to support the Ukraine project

  • Donations to the Lions Warsaw Ukraine project can be made to:-
  • Account name: Lions Club 201N5
  • BSB 032055
  • Account 163233
  • Please reference in your payment notation ‘Warsaw Ukraine Project’
  • Please also kindly send an email advising of your donation and amount by email to:

A personal letter from John L

25th April 2022

Dear Members of Lions Clubs in Australia together with any other interested people in Australia, 

Over the past 5 days I have been working closely with the Lions Club of Warsaw under the expertise of their president Michael Wigurski. Michael and his team of volunteers have been working tirelessly over the past 2 months to provide assistance to the 10’s of thousands of Ukrainian refugees that have fled from the Ukrainian war as a result of the Russian invasion since mid-February 2022. Lions Warsaw are performing ‘heavy duty lifting at the moment”. 

Lions Warsaw have installed a number of tents (see attached) that are strategically located outside the Ukrainian Embassy and Ukraine Embassy in Warsaw Poland. One main tent provides refreshments food and hot drinks for many of these poor people that have fled their nation many after their homes have been totally destroyed.  Almost 2.8 million Ukrainians have ended up in Poland with the vast majority located in Warsaw (Poland Capital). 

There is an information tent that is open all day in bitterly cold and dangerous conditions that is very difficult for the volunteers to continue to work in such risky and extreme cold temperatures. Lately heavy and constant rain has caused many problems for example on my 1st week here in Warsaw last week the photocopying equipment was repositioned inside the Consulate due to the dangerous nature of electrocution caused by live wires and the extreme wet conditions in the tent. Another tent has been used for photos to be taken professionally for Ukrainian Refugees to supplement their passport application. Unfortunately the tents cannot continue to be an effective and safe working environment the result being that visa application processes are delayed due to poor weather. Michael has indicated that he is committed to improve the conditions of the Information Centre (see the attached report) “LC Information Centre for Refugees from Ukraine”. 

Michael is currently seeking Euros 53,478 to bring the centre up to an acceptable level. The major cost is to replace the tents with a modified Shipping Container (see page 7) that is budgeted to cost Euro 13,478 which is equivalent to Aud $20,116. 

I believe that Australian Lions plus any other interested Australia need to recognize the extraordinary efforts of Lions Clubs in Warsaw, Poland. I would propose that a working fund is opened asap by Lions in Sydney and/or Australia to assist Lions Clubs of Warsaw, Poland. Without any shadow of doubt Warsaw Lions are absorbing the ‘heavy lifting’ and assisting the Ukrainian refugees like no other. Would it be unreasonable that a target of Aud $10,000 be agreed to ? (that is half of the required funds for the Call Centre at Euro 13,043)  We all believe that the current situation in Ukraine is going through bumpy times. The future is not assured.  The task ahead is enormous and it would be wonderful if Australian Lions plus any other interested Australians are encouraged to contribute to this worthy cause. 


John Lockyer

Immediate Past President of Lions Club of Hornsby Inc. 

In search of pivot power

Have you noticed?

One of the feature words of this unmissable pandemic season must surely be the word ‘pivot’.

Our vocabulary and our collective tool boxes are now potentially one word and one concept bigger.

In search of how

But how does one pivot? And are some situations un-pivotable?

I wonder what your experience is with pivoting?

You may have tried to pivot in the face of a crisis and found it overwhelming.

Some may claim that all you need is more faith, but that can feel condemning to the person who has experienced prolonged disappointment.

But God

Can I suggest to you that the story of God’s interaction with humanity is characterised by pivot moments.

The difference is that it’s God who does the pivoting.

He turns up. He intervenes. He changes things.

When there are no other options.

My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.

Psalm 73:26

And again:

To the roots of the mountains I sank down; the earth beneath barred me in forever. But you LORD my God, brought my life up from the pit.

Jonah 2:6

And even better:

You killed the author of life, but God raised Him from the dead.

Acts 3:15

And my favourite:

But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.

Romans 5:8

A simple pivot prayer

Dear God. I don’t know what to do, and I don’t know how to change this, or come up with answers. I can’t pivot even if I wanted to. This is beyond me but God: I believe you are the God of the impossible who graciously intervenes. Thank you.


Heart cry

This post is based on a recent sermon shared at the Hive Church by Ps Tony Rae. All scriptures are NIV unless otherwise indicated. Note also that Ps Tony gives credit to the work of Ps Stanley Vasu.

A prayer for more

Dear Lord: please transform me into Your likeness; teach me Your ways; train me for victory; test me to purify me; touch me so that I know Your presence; think of me so I may receive Your blessing; trust me so I may serve You well; all for Your glory. Amen. 

Ps Tony Rae

A way to prepare for transition or a journey:  

Get release form the past (while remembering and retaining good aspects of it). 

Look to the future and ‘pack’ for the new season or destination.

Ultimately the best way to prepare and deal with change / transition is to prepare ourselves.

Here are some principles formed into a prayer to facilitate that self-preparation. 


Romans 12:1-2  “Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship. Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is— his good, pleasing and perfect will.”

2 Corinthians 3:18   “And we all, who with unveiled faces contemplate the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into his image with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit.”

2 Corinthians 5:17 “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!”

It is important that we pray that God should transform us. Very often we pray for others that God should change them. We see their flaws and mistakes and ask God to transform them. But often we are blind to our own faults. We fail to realise that we need a deep transformation in our own lives. When God changes us that will produce a consequent change in others. Many times others will not change until they see a change in us. May God help us to cry out ‘Transform me’.


Psalms 25:4  “Show me your ways, Lord, teach me your paths.”

Psalms 143:10   “Teach me to do your will, for you are my God; may your good Spirit lead me on level ground.”

It is important that we pray that God should teach us. Many times we are not aware of our ignorance. We fail to realise how much we don’t know. We are complacent and confident  and think that we know everything. This is a dangerous condition. We must seek God’s revelation and guidance to know His paths and His ways and His truth. Therefore it is important for us to pray ‘Teach me’.


Psalms 144:1-2. “Praise be to the Lord my Rock, who trains my hands for war, my fingers for battle. He is my loving God and my fortress, my stronghold and my deliverer, my shield, in whom I take refuge, who subdues peoples under me.”

Isaiah 48:17-18. “This is what the Lord says— your Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel: “I am the Lord your God, who teaches you what is best for you, who directs you in the way you should go. If only you had paid attention to my commands, your peace would have been like a river, your well-being like the waves of the sea.”

It is important that we pray that God should train us. We face so many battles and struggles and attacks of the enemy. Therefore we must ask God to train us to fight these battles. Lack of proper training can cause serious damage in our spiritual walk. Therefore it is important that we pray ‘ Train me’.


Psalms 139:23-24   “Search me, God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.”

Psalms 26:2    “Test me, Lord, and try me, examine my heart and my mind;”

I Corinthians 3:11-13. “For no one can lay any foundation other than the one already laid, which is Jesus Christ. If anyone builds on this foundation using gold, silver, costly stones, wood, hay or straw, their work will be shown for what it is, because the Day will bring it to light. It will be revealed with fire, and the fire will test the quality of each person’s work.”

It is important that we pray that God should test us and examine us. People undergo periodic medical checkup to find out the condition of their physical body. It is even more important to undergo a spiritual checkup to ascertain the condition of our spiritual life. Otherwise we may be unaware of serious spiritual flaws and spiritual diseases that could destroy us. Therefore we must seriously pray that God should examine us and point out anything that is dangerous. Therefore it is important that we pray ‘Test me’.


Mark 10:15-16. “Truly I tell you, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it.” And he took the children in his arms, placed his hands on them and blessed them.”

Mark 8:25. “Once more Jesus put his hands on the man’s eyes. Then his eyes were opened, his sight was restored, and he saw everything clearly.”

It is important that we pray that God should touch our life. The touch of God is a touch of blessing and healing. If God removes his Hand from our life we will soon be led towards barrenness and hopelessness. We should seek the touch of God upon our lives. Therefore it is important to pray ‘Touch me’


Psalms 40:17. “But as for me, I am poor and needy; may the Lord think of me. You are my help and my deliverer; you are my God, do not delay.”

Psalms 115:12-13. “The Lord remembers us and will bless us: He will bless his people Israel, he will bless the house of Aaron, he will bless those who fear the Lord— small and great alike.”

Isaiah 49:15-16.  ““Can a mother forget the baby at her breast and have no compassion on the child she has borne? Though she may forget, I will not forget you! See, I have engraved you on the palms of my hands; your walls are ever before me.”

 It is important that we pray that God should think of us. It is a loving prayer that touches the heart of God. It is a plea to God to remember us  and not forget us. It is a prayer to God to keep us in His thoughts. When God is mindful of us He will bless us. Therefore it is important that we pray ‘Think of me’


I Timothy 1:12-14.  “I thank Christ Jesus our Lord, who has given me strength, that he considered me trustworthy, appointing me to his service. Even though I was once a blasphemer and a persecutor and a violent man, I was shown mercy because I acted in ignorance and unbelief. The grace of our Lord was poured out on me abundantly, along with the faith and love that are in Christ Jesus.”

Matthew 25:23.  ““His master replied, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master’s happiness!’”

It is important that we pray that God should trust us. When God trusts us He gives us His power and His ministry. He gives us more and more responsibilities. When we are found faithful and trustworthy we will be led to greater heights of service and usefulness. Therefore it is important that we pray ‘Trust me’.

Grasp or grow: the flipsides of Change

Has the tension ever been more extreme? The savage loss of the way things used to be. The daily gnawing of uncertainty. The unwelcome deluge of COIVD-19 stats. The desperate clamour for some solid ground amidst the sinking sands of lockdown life. The social and economic erosion. The stealthy advance of a runaway virus.

Facing off powerlessness

Much is at stake. And much we once thought we knew now feels wobbly. The battle lines are drawn. Socially. Politically. Economically. Culturally. Philosophically.

And last but not least: Spiritually.

Our values and beliefs are being tested.


Testing is challenging but desirable. Because testing produces increased quality.

O Lord, we have passed through your fire; like precious metal made pure, you’ve proved us, perfected us, and made us holy.

Psalm 66:10 TPT

Without the refiners fire there is no growth.

What is the test?

Can I suggest, at the core of this moment in our shared story is the issue of change.

Do you relate to the following?

  • struggling with the pain of enforced change to your way of life
  • grappling with the loss of personal freedoms
  • grasping by your fingertips the shadows of the way things once were
  • reeling toward an undefined and uncertain future way of life
  • devastated by cancelled plans and the seeming futility of making yet more plans

Perhaps more than ever before we are faced with powerlessness. Powerlessness to confront this force of unwelcome change called COVID-19. Powerlessness to hold on to normal.

Could it be that this pandemic provides a unique and a valuable test?

A test of both your attitude and also your appetite for change?

Grasping the wind

The words of the preacher in the Bible book of Ecclesiastes still ring loud over the achievements and technological advances of our time.

I have seen all the works that are done under the sun; and indeed, all is vanity and grasping for the wind.

Ecclesiastes 1:14 NKJV

I suggest to you it is a futility and a vanity to attempt to control anything.

Or anyone.

Be that a virus; climate; your neighbour; or a loved one.

Equally it is a vanity to try to hold on to the way things once were. The winds of change are blowing and no amount of grasping will stop that.

A line in the sand

Could it be that the pandemic presents us with a golden opportunity?

A necessary and redefining moment to re-align our thinking with eternal truth.

Good old-fashioned ‘repentance’.

  • Jehovah God is on the throne and He is our all powerful cloud riding ‘YAH’ (Psalm 68:4)
  • the works of the Lord are great, honourable, glorious and to be remembered (Psalm 111:2-4)
  • there is nothing too hard for His great power and outstretched arm (Jeremiah 32:17)
  • His understanding is beyond measure (Psalm 147:5)
  • His purposes cannot be thwarted – not by COVID or by anything or anyone (Job 42:2)
  • God’s omnipotence is established both now and beyond the fall of this pandemic (Psalm 90:2)

May the Holy Spirit lead you in re-positioning your thinking toward heavenly places. If COVID desperation becomes a catalyst for the renewing of your mind, then you have stepped yet again from conformity toward transformation.

Stop imitating the ideals and opinions of the culture around you, but be inwardly transformed by the Holy Spirit through a total reformation of how you think. This will empower you to discern God’s will as you live a beautiful life, satisfying and perfect in His eyes.

Romans 12:2 TPT

The renewal of your mind is indeed the birthplace for victory; for power in Christ Jesus; for overcoming; for inspired problem solving; for creative pivoting; and for open-ness and appetite toward change.


When you gave Jesus your ‘yes’ you surrendered to a life time of change.

Jesus is the author of salvation. He is eminently qualified and competent to complete the work which He has started in you (Philippians 1:6).

But make no mistake about it.

When you said to Jesus you swallowed a growth hormone. And growth and change are inseparable companions. Show me a person who isn’t growing and I will show you a person who is grasping onto the past.

The good news of the Gospel of Jesus Christ is Christ in me!

The hope of glory (Colossians 1:27).

Through faith in the finished work of our Saviour on the cross we receive a totally new DNA. The very genes of Jesus Himself metabolise via our spirit man within us.

The law of decay and the erosion of sin is over.

The work of God glorifying change and increase has begun.

But we all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of the LORD, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as by the Spirit of the Lord.

2 Corinthians 3:18

Praise God for a new DNA and the work of His matchless grace within us.

No obstacle or crisis can prevent His change work within you.

May you be emboldened and inspired in your journey.

Finding light in lockdown gloom

When does the pulse of a city simply give up? As the lockdown horizon for Greater Sydney stretches yet further, into the distance, so the pervasive and unwelcome gloom becomes more threatening. We grow increasingly accustomed to emptiness.

How are you coping?

Are you fumbling for the light switch?

Distractions and diversions have brought a measure of survival thus far, but what if we find ourselves still locked down in September?

A return to first principles

Depression, loneliness and other mental health issues are very real impacts of this time. More than ever we need each other, and to be honest enough to reach out and talk about what we’re feeling.

Engaging with a community is vital to mental health. Engaging with a faith community even more so. Being open to accessing resources and tools from health professionals is also important.

The critical thing is to actually engage.

Not isolate.

You are not alone if you are struggling to find the upside right now. In times like these, it can be helpful to be reminded of some of the bedrock principles of our faith.

Here’s hoping this recharges your perspective at this time.

Community means living a shared life

It’s a no brainer to say that Covid-19 has made living as a faith community more difficult.

However for as long as you can talk, pray and drink coffee, you can still listen, care and contribute.

And be listened to, cared for, and be contributed to.

If you have a device, then you are totally free to give and receive whilst still honouring the stay at home orders.

Go ahead!

We still belong to one-another and the grace for agape love still flows from our Christ life within.

Mutuality is what defines a healthy community.

  • loving and being loved
  • serving and being served
  • pray and be prayed for
  • listening and being listened to
  • encouraging and being encouraged

Emptiness always comes before fulness

As our memories of pre-Covid normal stealthily dull, we grow increasingly accustomed to living with emptiness.

Empty streets and empty trains. Empty cafes and shops. Empty construction sites & commercial buildings.

However Creator God has always used emptiness as a necessary beginning for filling.

The earth was without form, and empty waste, and darkness was upon the face of the very great deep

Genesis 1:2 AMP

The Hebrew word tohu is the basis for our English word word empty and can also be translated like this:

A formless, chaotic mess, a waste, a worthless thing, emptiness and desolation, for no purpose, for nothing

Strong’s Concordance #8414

If that doesn’t speak to these times I don’t know what does!

Present and continuous filling

Study scripture and you will find that filling is always pre-empted by emptiness. And yesterdays filling is always followed by today’s re-filling.

And don’t get drunk with wine, which is rebellion; instead be filled with the fulness of the Holy Spirit. And your hearts will overflow with a joyful song to the Lord Jehovah. Keep speaking to each other words of scripture, singing the Psalms with praises and spontaneous songs given by the Spirit!

Ephesians 5:18 TPT

Notice the correlation between filling and continuing in keeping on being a faith community!

This is a time to continue being who we are. The people of God. The people who are mandated to bring the Fulness of the Godhead bodily to our VERY needy world.

And He put all things under His feet, and gave Him to be head over all things to the church. which is His body, the fulness of Him who fills all in all.

Ephesians 1:22,23 NKJV

Praise God for sending His Son Jesus to be our salvation and our supply of fulness that ministers even now to our emptiness by the power of the Holy Spirit. We exalt You Jesus as the head of the Church and receive of your fulness again to bring that fulness to our needy world.


Urgent call to look up

You will be well aware of the recent spread of Covid-19 variants, and the daily impact on people’s lives including those of us who currently live in lock down.

We are deeply concerned about the consuming influence of the pandemic and it’s capacity to absorb focus and destroy well being on a global scale.

Information overload (also known as infobesity) is generally associated with the excessive quantity of daily facts and data that jostles for our attention. And if ever there was a time when our collective attention is being distracted and diverted by the daily scrutiny of all manner of data and opinion, then surely that time is now.

Looking unto Jesus

Yet whilst much is at stake, we believe this could be the finest hour for the good news of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and the abounding work of God’s Spirit among us all.

Here’s three reasons why lock down need not drag down our focus, nor cause us to feel down hearted.

1) Restrictions don’t restrict Jesus.

If the resurrected Jesus could walk through closed doors (John 20:19) and appear before His followers then He can do it again! By the power of His Spirit we release His presence and peace into your lock down right now.

‘Peace be still’.

2) Challenge can leverage your fruitfulness

Get ready for a greater measure of Jesus influence in your life, because difficulty is and always has been a catalyst for more of His power (James 1:2-4). Open up your heart to the Spirit of Joy.

There’s more!

3) Loss can sharpen your priorities

Sometimes it’s not until our freedoms are removed that we we realise what really matters. Your lockdown slow provides time to take stock and consider how to build with eternity in mind (1 Corinthians 3:12-16). Re-set.

God is redeeming the times.

Stop. Look up. Listen. Recieve.

And give God thanks for turning your lock down into a look up.

Pentecost Un-limited

The day of Pentecost is much more than an event in church history, or a liturgical day on the calendar. Pentecost Sunday is a reminder to engage again with the wonder of the person of the Holy Spirit, and to participate in the fulness of power that is daily available through faith in Jesus Christ. Here’s five reasons why Pentecost is an invitation to more.

1. More faith

The day of Pentecost is stunning proof that God keeps His promises. Encountering God the promise keeper brings an electric charge to our spirit because it’s a fresh connection to Divine power and provides proof positive that He is who He says He is.

This increases faith!

The historical event we call Pentecost is magnificently foretold in scripture by the prophets.

Some promises have a very long shelf life, but that doesn’t mean God isn’t going to deliver on them.

Joel for example, recorded a promise from God regarding Pentecost over 800 years before it was fulfilled.

But this is what was spoken by the prophet Joel: ‘And it shall come to pass in the last days, says God, that I will pour out of My Spirit on all flesh; Your sons and daughters shall prophesy, Your young men shall see visions, Your old men shall dream dreams. And on my menservants and on my maidservants I will pour out My Spirit in those days; And they shall prophesy.

Acts 2:16-18

What’s the point? If history in regard to the Pentecost story proves that God keeps His promises, then we can expect Him to do all that He’s promised. That means there’s MORE to come from our promise keeping God.

That’s who He is: the penultimate Promise Keeper.

2. More power

Boldness and power were the hallmarks of the early church, and ordinary men and women were transformed into radical fearless agents for the spread of the Gospel.

There are some who believe that this level of power was limited to this period of time and does not apply to believers like you and I today. You have to make up your own mind about that, and search the Bible accordingly.

My view is that the prophecy of Joel for example, nor Peter’s use of it in Acts 2:16-18, does not talk about a limited period after which the promise will cease or be voided.

Nor does the verse below indicate a temporary strength that would later be removed.

that He would grant you, according to the riches of His glory, to be strengthened with might through His Spirit in the inner man

Ephesians 3:16 NKJV

Strength and power are graces that form part of our inheritance through faith in the completed work of Jesus Christ. A seeming lack of these or a desire that you would grow in them does not disprove their existence.

It simply means there’s more to receive and appropriate.

3. More relationship

At a heart level, this is the richest fruit from Pentecost.

This is about God being with us in the person of the Holy Spirit.

This is about His presence.

This is about intimacy: the Spirit WITH us and IN us.

“And I will pray the Father, and He will give you another Helper, that He will abide with you forever – the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it neither receives Him nor knows Him, for He dwells with you and will be in you. I will not leave you orphans; I will come to you”

John 14:16-18 NKJV

Some people struggle with the tension between the promised presence of God, and the felt presence of God. If He promises to never leave me or forsake me, then why do I need to desire more of His presence?

Allow me to liken this to human relationship. You see it’s possible to be in the same room as someone, yet be distant emotionally.

This is presence without intimacy.

If you understand this to be true, then could it be that there is more intimacy to be experienced with the Holy Spirit. Remember, He is the member of the trinity who is with you right now.

Why not ask Him for a deeper relationship?

4. More understanding

Someone has wisely made the claim that there are facts and there’s truth.

Truth is a person and His name is Jesus.

Understanding takes place when Truth (Jesus the Word) indwells us and embodies us. This is the work of the Spirit.

However, when He, the Spirit of truth, has come, He will guide you into all truth; For He will not speak on His own authority. but whatever He hears He will speak; and He will tell you things to come

John 16:13 NKJV

Can you join with me and ask the Holy Spirit to guide you into ALL truth according to this scripture?

5. More profit

Understanding is not an end in itself.

This is knowledge and if that’s all it is then it is unprofitable.

Profitable knowledge is accompanied by an increase in maturity and fruitfulness.

Every scripture is written by the Holy Spirit, the breath of God. It will empower you by it’s instruction and correction, giving you the strength to take the right direction and lead you deeper into the path of Godliness. Then you will be God’s servant, fully mature and perfectly prepared to fulfill any assignment God gives you.

2 Timothy 3:16,17 TPT

Do you desire a greater measure of maturity in your faith?

Are you eager to please your heavenly Father and faithfully complete the good works He has prepared for you in advance (Ephesians 2:10).

Let’s praise God for the sending of the Holy Spirit, and let’s press in for more.

Because God by His very nature is without measure, then there’s always more.

What do you think? Please feel free to share your comments and questions by email to

Generosity and the support of ministry

A conversation about giving

What are your thoughts and values around the subject of giving?

Recently at one of our Sunday gatherings, the chairperson of the Hive Church board shared our perspective on giving with particular reference to financially enabling the work of ministry.

Here’s what was said:

Hello everyone,
I have the privilege of working with a wonderful group of people who form the Hive Church Board.
The Board fulfils a legal requirement required by legislation, but has a much more important role in supporting the Hive Pastors and monitoring the business, compliance and ministry functions of the Church.
Today I want to bring you up to date with the church finances.
We have been blessed by those who have given freely to the work of the Hive.
This year we have set a budget with a 20% increase in giving over last year.
Our finances support the operation of the Church, covering things such as music royalties, technical operation, support of missions, usage of facilities and payment for two days per week for our pastor, David.
We understand that circumstances are different for everyone and our giving is something we should decide on based on our financial circumstances and how God is calling each of us to use our money.
Although there are many differing views on what the Bible has to say about giving, it is clear that there is a strong Biblical basis regarding generosity; the call to support those in ministry; and the financial enabling of church life.
Despite references to 10% and the first fruits of our labour etc, the amount is not mandated in the New Testament. We believe this is a personal decision and responsibility that each of us carries.
We want to keep you up to date on our giving and expenditure so that are all aware of how we are progressing throughout the year.
Please remember the purpose of our giving as an act of worship is to see God’s kingdom grow and to support the church to reach those in our community and beyond.
Can I encourage you to consider your ability to support the Hive and commit an amount each week or month. One way of giving is to set up a recurring electronic payment for the year. This way your giving can be systematic and regular. Some may also wish to make one-off offerings of larger amounts from time to time.
In no way should our giving ever be seen as burden for us.
Giving should always be from a posture of generosity and not out of duty or guilt. Please be prayerful in considering the part you play in the life of the church, and your giving as part of your worship.
Please pray for the Board as we seek to support the ministry of the Hive.
Thank you, The Hive Church Board, Sunday March 21st 2021

We hope this meaningfully helps you to clarify your personal views on this important topic. You can share your feedback by emailing

This one thing

We made a very big decision.

Moving to Sydney in 2012 to plant a church was a massive deal. And honestly, the years that have followed have had extremes of everything from exhilaration to devastation and everything in between.

There are many times we’ve asked WHY?

It’s a good question.

In the year that we’re all having, just about everything has been challenged and tested. Church life looks very different now, and the way things used to be is a very distant memory.

We need to be reminded WHY we started in the first place. Because if the original WHY is still valid now, then all we need to do is settle on how we can achieve the WHY.

So here goes.

The WHY of the Hive Church was (and still is) to be a disciple-making church.

Disciple-making is our one thing.

As we look towards the future, our success will be measured according to how this looks.

So what exactly does it mean to be a disciple of Jesus? I’m interested in how you would set about defining this. There’s many different verses and thoughts that we could pepper into this conversation, but if it really is a commandment of Jesus, then as my wife Yve would say: “we need to put arms and legs on it.”

How true.

Can I suggest there are actually two definitions to grapple with: defining both discipleship and disciple making, because that’s the language that Jesus uses in Matthew 28:19 and I propose they are linked but different.

Now go in My authority and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. And teach them to faithfully follow all that I have commanded you. And never forget that I am with you every day, even to the completion of this age

Matthew 28:18-20 TPT

So here’s some thoughts.

It’s by no means the last word on the subject, but if you’ve been around our community for a while then you may have heard us talk about some of our core values we call ‘The 3 R’s”.

In fact, our Sunday gatherings on November 22 & 29, and December 6th will focus on these values (click here to have a look at this content as and when it’s uploaded).

Here’s the 3 R’s:

  • Relationship
  • Revelation
  • Restoration

Here’s a way to relate some of our core values to the subject of discipleship.

Defining a Disciple

1) A disciple is someone who is in relationship with Jesus AND in relationship with at least one other person who is teaching and supporting them in their faith journey 

2) A disciple is someone who know’s the voice of Jesus because they are actively receiving revelation truth from God’s Word the Bible AND learning to discern & receive the revelation truth in the voice of another more mature disciple who is guiding and teaching them “My sheep know My voice” [John 10:27]

3) A disciple who is someone who becomes inspired by hearing the testimonies of how Jesus has changed and brought restoration in the lives of other disciples whom they are in relationship with. A disciple beings to carry their own testimony of how following Jesus has brought change and restoration to their life eg “once I was blind but now I see” [John 9:25] 

Defining a Disciple-maker

1) A disciple-maker is someone who is in relationship with Jesus; and second in active and intentional relationship with someone who is not yet in relationship with Jesus or is already in relationship with Jesus; the ultimate aim being to impart and  support them in their faith journey  

2) A disciple-maker is someone who is actively receiving revelation truth from God’s Word, and is able to “handle the Word of truth” [2 Timothy 2:15] to the extent that they can impart revelation truth to another person    

3) A disciple-maker is someone who is growing in their capacity to minister restoration to another. This ministering of restoration is “by My Spirit” [Zechariah 4:6] and will be shaped by spiritual gifting, experience and training.   

How do you respond to this perspective?

What is your personal WHY?

You can interact and comment by emailing