Not one promise is empty of power


We were shocked to hear yesterday from a pastor & close friend who has just suffered from a minor stroke.

He was just doing his job; staying at home; leading a church in this high demand season.  

It’s week 9, yet it seems that living in these pandemic times isn’t getting any easier.

How are you going? 

In this post we share a strategy with you that has become central to our walk with God. 

We hope it gives you perspective and builds your faith. 

Investing in the long term

One of the golden rules of investing is to select high quality stocks, diversify, and then hold on for the long haul.

Through all the ups and downs of the market.

We have discovered over the years the immense value of investing in God’s word.

Let’s learn together from Mary the mother of Jesus. This is what the angel of the Lord said to her:

Not one promise from God is empty of power, for nothing is impossible with God!

Luke 1:37 The Passion Translation

You see, we can trust the promise MAKER, because He is the promise KEEPER!


  1. Seek a promise from God’s word for each and every challenge in your life. First hand promises are the most rewarding. What someone else might share with you is good, BUT: find your own promise! That’s even better! Spend time in God’s Word. Ask. Seek. Knock.
  2. Catalogue your promises. Use a journal. Write down the promise the old fashioned way. Use a biro!! And most importantly make a foot note of the circumstances and the date. This helps to cement your story with the reality of God’s word.
  3. Review your promises. This is farming 101. Pray over the promise. Memorise it. Declare it. Waiting on God is not passive. It’s ACTIVE. And you need to know where you can find what’s been planted. Keep your journal nearby.
  4. Plant more than one crop. It’s so important to build a big picture of what God is doing. And we’ve learnt that this calls for more than one promise and more than one request and petition before God in prayer. If you only make one investment then there’s only going to be one harvest. But if by faith you plant multiple promises into the soil of your circumstances then you will reap accordingly.
  5. Go back thru the archives. Think back over a decade or maybe more. Is there a key promise that has been used by God in your story. Identify it. Retrieve it. Catalogue it. In other words, find the EXACT scripture reference, write it down word for word. And don’t forget to do the context matching step. What was happening at the time the Holy Spirit first brought this promise to your notice, and WHEN.


Why not get in touch and share from your promise investing experiences. We’d love to hear from you.

In the remainder of this post, we share with you from our personal promise deposit box. Perhaps you will guess from the context notes some of what was happening at the time.

We hope this encourages you and inspires you.

In closing we share from someone else who was a big believer in investing in God’s promises. Here’s what the Apostle Peter has to say:

His divine power … has given to us exceedingly great and precious promises, that through these you may be partakers of the divine nature

2 Peter 1:3,4 NKJV


There is a river whose streams make glad the city of God, the holy habitation (or tabernacle / dwelling place) of the Most High.

Psalm 46:5 Holy Spirit night Macquarie Life Church 2005

I will surely bless you and I will surely multiply your offspring as the stars of the heaven and as the sand that is on the seashore. And your offspring shall possess the gate of his enemies.

     Genesis 22:7
SATFJ Promise 26.9.12

Incline your ear, and come to me; hear, that your soul may live; and I will     make with you an everlasting covenant, my steadfast sure love for David. Behold I made him a witness to the peoples, a leader and a commander for the peoples.

  Isaiah 55:3,4
The ‘Masthead’ Promise 28.9.12

Have faith in God. Truly I say to you, whoever says to this mountain ‘be taken up and thrown into the sea’ and does not doubt in his heart, but believes that what he says will come to pass, it will be done for him. 

Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask in prayer, believe that you have received it and it will be yours.

Mark 11:22-24
Pre-planting promise 17.1.11 … Great faith is spoken

Enlarge the place of your tent, and let the curtains of your habitations be stretched out; do not hold back; lengthen your cords and strengthen your stakes. For you will spread abroad to the right and to the left and your offspring will possess the nations and inhabit the desolate cities. 

     Isaiah 54:2,3
Building Program Macquarie 2004

He makes wars cease to the end of the earth; he breaks the bow and shatters the spear; he burns the chariots with fire. Be still and know that I am God. I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.

  Psalm 46:9,10
A contention promise relating to Gen 26:20 2.11.12

Remember not the former things, nor consider the things of old. Behold I am doing a new thing: now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.

Isaiah 43:19
A formative pre-planting promise 26.11.10

The New Act

Do you feel uncertain about what your life looks like on the other side of this pandemic? 

We certainly do. 

It’s now 55 days since we made the leap into on-line church. And 8 weeks in there’s still more questions than answers regarding our future.

Ok, I admit it.

It’s feeling out of control that’s a real biggie.

It feels like so much change has been forced on us.

Though it’s not as if we didn’t get some warning. It’s just that we didn’t understand what was waiting to be unwrapped in a God whisper from last year.

I am bringing you into a new act. The curtain is already raised. This is not just a new chapter, or even a new season. This is a whole New Act.

Prayer Journal. November 2019.


Allow us to share some reflections & early observations of what we sense God is doing in the early pages of this ‘New Act’.

We feel secure in saying (with the Apostle Paul) that there’s much we don’t understand, and we also feel confident in asking God to supply understanding as we keep walking this out.

For now we see but a faint reflection of riddles and mysteries as though reflected in a mirror, but one day we’ll see face to face. My understanding is incomplete now, but one day I will understand everything, just as everything about me has been fully understood.

1 Corinthians 13:12 TPT


  • The pandemic has resulted in a stripping away of the superficial and the temporal 
  • The unseen world (the Kingdom of Heaven) is becoming more visible than it was before 
  • In fact it’s even visible on-line; a format that once upon a time was considered less real than in person
  • Thus the unseen has come upon the virtual 

I am re-defining to My people what is REAL. I am repositioning My Kingdom on your view finder. I am inhabiting that which is virtual, and making My presence more visible. 

Prayer Journal. May 2020.


Thus a new ACT is about more of His ACT-ual. The book of Acts is called this for a reason. It’s about God ACTing and revealing more of Himself. Any ‘ACT‘ of God by definition is about His plan. In the early church Jesus ACT-ed through His servants the apostles.

I believe we can expect a greater tangibility of the unseen realm in coming days, however this will be prefaced upon allowing Holy Spirit to take the initiative.

In the previous act the general preference of the church was for ‘in person’ rather than ‘on-line’.

In the New Act, God is asking us to lay down our preferences and seek Him above all else; whether that be in person, on-line, in small groups, or in large gatherings.

HIS ACT-ual is becoming more visible. 

God is neither limited by time or space.

He does not need an easing of restrictions or a 3 stage plan to reveal Himself more fully.

Nor does Almighty God need large gatherings.  

Technology is His servant & we are yet to see the innovations and creative solutions that will be invented as a platform for the release of more of His glory across the earth. 



The church is becoming more visible in this new act.

The church is not a building, the church is people and the church of Jesus Christ is being released from the constraint of buildings.

Buildings are a tool, yet they are also superficial and temporal.

The church of Jesus Christ is eternal. 

You are God-Enthroned, surrounded with songs, living among the shouts of praise of your princely people.

Psalm 22:3 TPT

The power of Jesus Christ resides in the people NOT in the building. 

Does this mean Church buildings won’t exist in a post COVID 19 world?

I believe they will (as will on-line, homes and other spaces). However the absence of buildings (if only for a season) could very well create a new neccessity!

Ministry must take place beyond the walls of a building.

And could it be that this will lead to a greater release of spiritual gifts among the body to do the work of ministry?

In the new act there will be a greater measure of ACT-ivation.

Prayer Journal. May 2020.

Buildings are a tool; they are disposable, NOT essential; and they are NOT the church.  

I am dismantling thinking & paradigms from the previous Act. More people in the room doesn’t necessarily mean more presence. Big is not necessarily better. I am re-activating the power of 2 & 3. I am re-activating the Body in this new Act.  

Prayer Journal. May 2020.


New tools for ministry are being released, some old tools are being re-tooled, and other tools from the past will become redundant in the new act. 

Some of these new tools will be placed in unlikely hands. 

I have slowed you that I might show you things to come; things concerning My Glory. I am re-directing your gaze. I have increased hunger in the hearts of My people. Whilst some isolate & shrink back, others: like Jacob, and his sons’ in a time of famine, are prepared to travel to distant & foreign lands – places of the unfamiliar – to find food.  

Prayer Journal. May 2020.


Stay slow.

Slow food is GOOD food. 


I am closing the divide in My Body. The actual essence of relationship is sourced in the unseen realm from My heart. You thought that relationship was a function of physical closeness. I am manifesting the essence of relationship in the virtual. You can be in the same room and yet be far away. And you can be on-line, spatially distant, yet knitted.  

Prayer Journal. May 2020.

Until then, there are three things that remain: faith, hope, and love – yet love surpasses them all. So above all else, let love be the beautiful prize for which you run. 

1 Corinthians 13:13 TPT


LORD: bring us through to the other side. We lay down to Your purposes. Bring your Church through to the other side. Direct our paths LORD.

All the hurting ones Lord: would you care for them? Everyone is getting stretched LORD. Grace for the weary. Help for the helpless. Strength for the weak. Stretch for the over-stretched.

Bring us to the other side of Your purposes LORD. Keep us together. Bind us with Your love by Your Spirit. Every culture. Every generation.

Holy Holy; God Almighty; Who was, and Is, and is to come.

The Road Ahead

You are not the only one.

I’ve struggled during this strange time of Corona induced disruption.

What really gets to me is uncertainty.

Uncertainty can be so de-stabilizing.

  • When can I travel anywhere I want to again?
  • When will we be able to have in-person gatherings again at the Hive?
  • What does resolution to this disruption even look like?
  • What is the road ahead & how do we navigate it wisely?


  • the state of being uncertain
  • something that is uncertain or that causes one to feel uncertain
  • unpredictability, precariousness, irresolution

How is uncertainty impacting you right now?

How do you cope with uncertainty?

Uncertainty impacts me personally as husband, father, an Aussie, and as a church leader.

This post is birthed out of my daily peering through the windscreen of Covid-19 circumstances, whilst fixating (often feebly) by faith on the road ahead.

You can leave a comment at the end of this post.

You can share from your own journey: what do you see on the road ahead; how do you deal with uncertainty?

Here’s some things I’m learning.


When I feel uncertain I crave comfort. And this season has made me profoundly uncomfortable.

Like many Aussies, the need for virus avoidance has obliterated many of the activities that once offered a semblance of comfort.



Cafes, clubs and bars.

The Monday to Friday commute.

The hustle and bustle of activity and big city life.

With very little warning, all of these ‘idols’ have been suddenly removed.

Instantly the uncomfortable feelings ramp up even more, followed closely by anxiety & fear and all the variations thereof.

And if you’re like me, the remaining available fake comforts call out all the more insistently: proffering their wares and making false promises.


It’s time to remember: there is only one source of true comfort.

Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our tribulations

2 Corinthians 1:3,4 NKJV

As I write, it’s mother’s day very soon.

As well as reminiscing about my mum, I’m reminded that God is described with feminine imagery as a ‘mother hen’ (Matthew 23:37).

How amazing to be able to snuggle up to our God right now like a little child. He is our God of endless comfort.

Go on!!!!

He want’s you to come along side Him and simply be with Him.

His comfort is truly endless, so much so that there will even be enough left over to comfort someone else.

Praise God!


Another challenge I’m finding during this period of disruption is distraction.

My observation is that the uncertainty created by disruption is a door opener to distraction. The problem is that this can cause us to double down, and try even harder to control that which is actually uncontrollable.


Distraction can be used by the enemy of our souls to sap your energy and to block your vision.

But here’s the point:

Disruption is designed to by God to unblock your view of destiny, and to open up your eyes to the good things He has planned ahead.

My prayer is “God, please give me the grace to see through the windscreen of my circumstances to the horizon of Your great purposes”.

Here’s a scripture to underwrite your authority to pray the very same prayer!!!

Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor have entered into the heart of man the things which God has prepared for those who love Him. But God has revealed them to us through His Spirit. For the Spirit searches all things, yes, the deep things of God.

1 Corinthians 2:9,10 NKJV

So what has God prepared for you?

What is your destiny?

It is his secret plan, destined before the ages, to bring us into glory.

1 Corinthians 2:7 TPT


God’s plan is for your glorification; that His glory may be yours.

According to scripture, creation knows this is your destiny and is watching with eager expectation for the ‘magnitude of glory that is about to be revealed within us’ (Romans 8:18 TPT).

The question I feel God whispering to me at this time is this:

Are you seeking form or fullness?

To seek after form is to seek the familiar; the certain; the recognisable; that which is known and manageable.

I believe the road ahead is none of those things.

As we go forward together in these uncertain times, let’s pray like Moses did all those years ago:

Please, show me Your glory

Exodus 3:18 NKJV

And let’s give God the liberty to choose what He wants to keep; what He wants to throw out; and what He wants to add.

What do you sense God might be throwing out?



Leave a comment here. And thanks for reading.

The pandemic Pivot

A performance on June 24th, 1993 by garage punk band ‘Severe Tire Damage’ is thought to be the internet’s first video live stream.

But the Spirit of God has been streaming live way longer than that.

The question we ask you in this corona crisis time is: ‘are you living in the live stream?’

Your answer to this question could very well make the difference between you backsliding in your faith one day, or by the grace of God continuing to go on from strength to strength.


Your future in God could depend on this.

What is the Biblical basis for a live stream?

There are frequent mentions in the Bible to the metaphor of a ‘river’.

Examples include the four rivers of Eden (Genesis 2:10ff); the prophecies in Jeremiah 17:8 and Ezekiel 47; the rivers of living water mentioned by Jesus to the woman at the well (John 7); and the river spoken of by John in Revelation chapter 22.

What is this river?

The river refers to all that flows from the wonderful influence and impact of God’s throne.

God’s river is FULL of life, health and wholeness.

The river is NOT God, but exists because of WHO God is.

We don’t worship the river, but we look eagerly for the flow-on effect of God and His reign.

Our response is to worship God, and be eager for what will happen in the live stream of His living waters.

Are you living in the Live Stream?

You can find a mentor for live stream living in a time of crisis in the writings of King David (see Psalm 46:1-5).

Wisdom and understanding are often birthed in the crucible of trial, so if you’re struggling at this time then get ready: gold nuggets of learning are coming your way!

Here are three live streaming principles:

1. God IS

‘God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in time of trouble’ (Psalm 46:1)

Our God is the God of NOW!

He IS the ‘I am that I am’ (Exodus 3:14).

All that He IS, is right now!!!

Refuge, Strength; Love; Joy; Peace; Truth; Goodness; Wisdom; Healer; Comforter … there’s not enough adjectives!!!!

He IS.


‘Even though the earth be removed, and though the mountains be carried into the midst of the sea; though it’s waters roar and be troubled, though the mountains shake with it’s swelling’ (Psalm 46:2,3).

With all the literary device and poetic skill the psalmist has at his disposal, King David describes the most extreme weather events he can imagine.

Have another look at the Bible verses again.

‘Even though the earth be removed … ‘ etc.

What is your even though? (perhaps you can fill in the blank)

Even though … I lose my job.

Even though … I face a terminal illness

Even though … I experience a catastrophic relationship breakdown

What is the point?

King David is saying, even though these events may happen, God still IS.

3. Because God is THEREFORE

‘Therefore we will not fear … God is in the midst of her, she shall not be moved’ (Psalm 46:2, 5).

One thing that’s important to be really clear about.

Belief in God, and being a Christian doesn’t call for the denial of reality.

Bad things do happen.

Problems do exist.

We suggest that the big question to here is this: does the existence of extreme difficulty in the life of a believer disprove the existence of God?

The Pandemic Pivot

If nothing else, this season of COVID 19 is global proof that crisis and disaster are a reality.

However King David is driving home a bigger point.

There is a yet HIGHER reality!

His name is ‘Wonderful, Counsellor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. Of the increase of His government and peace there will be no end’ (Isaiah 9:6,7).

The pandemic pivot is an intentional choice to focus on the unchanging higher reality of who God IS.

In spite of, and in the middle of the current crash of circumstances.

There IS a river!


You can click here to view a powerful story of a pandemic pivot in action which was recorded at church on-line April 26th.

Plus you can get in touch here to comment, share a prayer need, or a ‘River’ story from your own experience.

Kan U Go?

Have you noticed how much the word ‘unprecedented’ is being used during this Corona crisis time?

So much is now radically different, and the only thing that’s certain is that normal isn’t coming back.

Much has been said about the huge challenge of managing COVID-19 without also strangling the economy.

Yet what about the impact of lifestyle restrictions on your spiritual vitality?

In this blog, we propose that following Jesus is always about a call to mobility.

And we put it to you that YOU CAN GO! Even during corona induced travel restrictions.

That’s because your ‘GO’ begins on the inside and springs out of a mobility in your heart; a transform-ability in your thinking; and an ever quickening responsiveness of your spirit to the Spirit of God.

There are three timeless principles we can glean together from the life of Abraham.

This great man of faith lived a life that was defined by his willingness to GO from everything that was familiar, and keep going toward the unknown.

You can pick up this story in the book of Genesis chapter 12

1. Reinvention & Transformation

“Now the Lord said to Abram, get out of your country” (Genesis 12:1).

When he was still called ‘Abram’, this mighty man launched into a ‘GO’ that would change him forever.

This is the ‘GO’ of reinvention; the slow and sometimes painful journey of identity transformation.

This is deep tissue cellular change wrought in the inner life.

This is the ‘GO’ that turned Abram into Abraham.

And sometimes being forced to stay still – even to feel like you’re in prison – is the best place for this character formation change to take place.

Just ask the Apostle Paul.

We encourage you during this time of shut down, don’t just settle for the next distraction or time filler.

Be bold enough to ask the Spirit of God: ‘What is my GO? How is it that you are calling me to change on the inside?’

If God can take Abram and turn him into Abraham then he can do the same for you.

‘Now GO!’

2. Progressive Revelation

‘Get out of your country to a land I will show you’ (Genesis 12:1)

This is the ‘GO’ of revelation.

Jesus Himself taught that ‘My sheep know My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me’ (John 10:27).

We propose to you that your ‘GO’ is conditional upon hearing and recognising His voice.

This issue can be a stumbling block for many.

Perhaps you are saying to yourself “I’ve never heard the audible voice of God. There must be something wrong with me”.

We suggest that the primary source of revelation is the Word of God.

His whisper begins in His Living Word the Bible.

Immerse yourself in what the Bible says. This is the voice of God to you, and the Spirit of God will shine His light on the page in front of you and bring it to life in your heart.

The scriptures are your highest source of revelation. And as you spend time with the God of the Word, you will notice your appetite for His presence increasing.

You will become increasingly aware of a new sensing. A spiritual perception.

An inner knowing.

This is the witness of the Holy Spirit who is a confirming voice and reliable safe source of counsel to you.

It is also the delight of God’s Spirit to bring to memory specific Bible verses to you. Even when you haven’t consciously tried to memorise them.

And in this day of on-line everything, you can type two or three words of scipture into a search engine and instantly you can lead your own heart straight to the exact Bible reference.

You can go deeper into the context and back story, and tap into more of the fullness that is waiting for you in the riches of the living Word.

God has great plans for you.

Your ‘GO’ depends upon being sensitive to His whisper.

Under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, Joshua spoke these words to God’s people the nation of Israel: “You have not passed this way before” (Joshua 3:4).

What a great word for our post COVID-19 future!

A time which we believe is “A New Act”!

Let’s believe together that unprecedented times will be used by God’s grace as a catalyst for releasing an UNPRECEDENTED FUTURE!

‘For I know the plans I have for you’ declares the LORD, ‘plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future’ (Jeremiah 29:11).

Let’s seek an understanding of the plans and purposes of God together.

It’s seldom the entire picture and usually one step at a time, however according to Proverbs 3:5,6 ‘In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your paths’.

Don’t let the stay of this season flatten your ‘God GO’!

Keep moving.

3. Prayer and Worship

‘There he built an altar to the LORD and called upon the name of the LORD. So Abram journeyed going on still’ (Genesis 12:8,9).

We suggest to you that worship isn’t the absence of momentum or an interruption to productivity.

It’s actually the mobiliser for our ‘God GO’.

One of the great marvels of walking with God is discovering (the hard way) that often more happens in our resting with God than in the pursuit of activity ahead of Him.

Worship is a lifestyle. Not an event.

Abraham is our example in this.

The Genesis story confirms that ‘he built an altar’. Altars in this time were not built in a moment or even a day. This was an endeavour that took great care: collect the right shaped stones, form a sturdy structure, prepare the fuel, find a suitable sacrifice. And that was just the beginning.

The writings of Paul open up a radically new paradigm on this important theme of worship.

You could say that Paul alters the use of altars (mmm: if you’re still reading this blog then you’re probably ready for a joke)!

In fact our daily (unprecedented) circumstances become the altar upon which we place our own bodies.

‘I encourage you to surrender yourselves to God to be his sacred, living sacrifices. And live in holiness, experiencing all that delights his heart. For this becomes your genuine expression of worship’ (Romans 12:1 TPT).

How timely to receive this truth right here right now.

Your ‘GO’ is simply a fresh expression of surrender to your loving heavenly Father.

May His grace be powerfully released to you.


In Jesus Name: Yes. Yes. And Amen!

Grace can still flip history

It’s no surprise that many are struggling. 

Recent polls reveal that 70% of Aussies surveyed are drinking more alcohol than normal and one in ten are going grocery shopping every day. 

Boredom and fear are a potent mix.

It’s too early to measure the social and economic impacts of Covid-19, but one things for sure.

God’s grace can still flip history.

Here’s five ways you can activate God’s grace and bring blessing over your own life, and and on those around you.

  1. YOU MATTER. Regular exercise, fresh air, and healthy eating are essential. So too is personal time in God’s word the Bible. Reach out if you need help and support for any aspect of your health.
  2. RESOURCE & UP-SKILL. There are many great resources available on line that can grow you and help to resource you for your future. If you have extra time, then invest in yourself!
  3. REACH OUT. There are so many inspiring stories of those who are finding imaginative ways to love and care for those around. It’s more blessed to give than to receive, and it’s fun inventing socially distanced ways to do it!
  4. GET YOUR HOUSE IN ORDER. Honour God with your tithe, and ask for His grace be generous even in a time of crisis. Review your affairs and seek advice as appropriate regarding Government assistance.
  5. PRAY. God knows you by name and He notices your prayers. And in this corona crisis time, your family, your community and your Church depend upon men and women like you who will humble themselves and pray.

The vast disruption of this time will lead either to disaster or to destiny.

How you live makes a difference.

Whilst this may be the end of some aspects of life we once regarded as ‘normal’, it will also be the beginning of new and necessary adaptation and the catalyst for change.

God’s grace can still flip history.

(NOTE: parts of the above content are adapted from an article by Ps Wayne Alcorn, National President of ACC)