The Road Ahead

You are not the only one.

I’ve struggled during this strange time of Corona induced disruption.

What really gets to me is uncertainty.

Uncertainty can be so de-stabilizing.

  • When can I travel anywhere I want to again?
  • When will we be able to have in-person gatherings again at the Hive?
  • What does resolution to this disruption even look like?
  • What is the road ahead & how do we navigate it wisely?


  • the state of being uncertain
  • something that is uncertain or that causes one to feel uncertain
  • unpredictability, precariousness, irresolution

How is uncertainty impacting you right now?

How do you cope with uncertainty?

Uncertainty impacts me personally as husband, father, an Aussie, and as a church leader.

This post is birthed out of my daily peering through the windscreen of Covid-19 circumstances, whilst fixating (often feebly) by faith on the road ahead.

You can leave a comment at the end of this post.

You can share from your own journey: what do you see on the road ahead; how do you deal with uncertainty?

Here’s some things I’m learning.


When I feel uncertain I crave comfort. And this season has made me profoundly uncomfortable.

Like many Aussies, the need for virus avoidance has obliterated many of the activities that once offered a semblance of comfort.



Cafes, clubs and bars.

The Monday to Friday commute.

The hustle and bustle of activity and big city life.

With very little warning, all of these ‘idols’ have been suddenly removed.

Instantly the uncomfortable feelings ramp up even more, followed closely by anxiety & fear and all the variations thereof.

And if you’re like me, the remaining available fake comforts call out all the more insistently: proffering their wares and making false promises.


It’s time to remember: there is only one source of true comfort.

Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our tribulations

2 Corinthians 1:3,4 NKJV

As I write, it’s mother’s day very soon.

As well as reminiscing about my mum, I’m reminded that God is described with feminine imagery as a ‘mother hen’ (Matthew 23:37).

How amazing to be able to snuggle up to our God right now like a little child. He is our God of endless comfort.

Go on!!!!

He want’s you to come along side Him and simply be with Him.

His comfort is truly endless, so much so that there will even be enough left over to comfort someone else.

Praise God!


Another challenge I’m finding during this period of disruption is distraction.

My observation is that the uncertainty created by disruption is a door opener to distraction. The problem is that this can cause us to double down, and try even harder to control that which is actually uncontrollable.


Distraction can be used by the enemy of our souls to sap your energy and to block your vision.

But here’s the point:

Disruption is designed to by God to unblock your view of destiny, and to open up your eyes to the good things He has planned ahead.

My prayer is “God, please give me the grace to see through the windscreen of my circumstances to the horizon of Your great purposes”.

Here’s a scripture to underwrite your authority to pray the very same prayer!!!

Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor have entered into the heart of man the things which God has prepared for those who love Him. But God has revealed them to us through His Spirit. For the Spirit searches all things, yes, the deep things of God.

1 Corinthians 2:9,10 NKJV

So what has God prepared for you?

What is your destiny?

It is his secret plan, destined before the ages, to bring us into glory.

1 Corinthians 2:7 TPT


God’s plan is for your glorification; that His glory may be yours.

According to scripture, creation knows this is your destiny and is watching with eager expectation for the ‘magnitude of glory that is about to be revealed within us’ (Romans 8:18 TPT).

The question I feel God whispering to me at this time is this:

Are you seeking form or fullness?

To seek after form is to seek the familiar; the certain; the recognisable; that which is known and manageable.

I believe the road ahead is none of those things.

As we go forward together in these uncertain times, let’s pray like Moses did all those years ago:

Please, show me Your glory

Exodus 3:18 NKJV

And let’s give God the liberty to choose what He wants to keep; what He wants to throw out; and what He wants to add.

What do you sense God might be throwing out?



Leave a comment here. And thanks for reading.

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