Kan U Go?

Have you noticed how much the word ‘unprecedented’ is being used during this Corona crisis time?

So much is now radically different, and the only thing that’s certain is that normal isn’t coming back.

Much has been said about the huge challenge of managing COVID-19 without also strangling the economy.

Yet what about the impact of lifestyle restrictions on your spiritual vitality?

In this blog, we propose that following Jesus is always about a call to mobility.

And we put it to you that YOU CAN GO! Even during corona induced travel restrictions.

That’s because your ‘GO’ begins on the inside and springs out of a mobility in your heart; a transform-ability in your thinking; and an ever quickening responsiveness of your spirit to the Spirit of God.

There are three timeless principles we can glean together from the life of Abraham.

This great man of faith lived a life that was defined by his willingness to GO from everything that was familiar, and keep going toward the unknown.

You can pick up this story in the book of Genesis chapter 12

1. Reinvention & Transformation

“Now the Lord said to Abram, get out of your country” (Genesis 12:1).

When he was still called ‘Abram’, this mighty man launched into a ‘GO’ that would change him forever.

This is the ‘GO’ of reinvention; the slow and sometimes painful journey of identity transformation.

This is deep tissue cellular change wrought in the inner life.

This is the ‘GO’ that turned Abram into Abraham.

And sometimes being forced to stay still – even to feel like you’re in prison – is the best place for this character formation change to take place.

Just ask the Apostle Paul.

We encourage you during this time of shut down, don’t just settle for the next distraction or time filler.

Be bold enough to ask the Spirit of God: ‘What is my GO? How is it that you are calling me to change on the inside?’

If God can take Abram and turn him into Abraham then he can do the same for you.

‘Now GO!’

2. Progressive Revelation

‘Get out of your country to a land I will show you’ (Genesis 12:1)

This is the ‘GO’ of revelation.

Jesus Himself taught that ‘My sheep know My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me’ (John 10:27).

We propose to you that your ‘GO’ is conditional upon hearing and recognising His voice.

This issue can be a stumbling block for many.

Perhaps you are saying to yourself “I’ve never heard the audible voice of God. There must be something wrong with me”.

We suggest that the primary source of revelation is the Word of God.

His whisper begins in His Living Word the Bible.

Immerse yourself in what the Bible says. This is the voice of God to you, and the Spirit of God will shine His light on the page in front of you and bring it to life in your heart.

The scriptures are your highest source of revelation. And as you spend time with the God of the Word, you will notice your appetite for His presence increasing.

You will become increasingly aware of a new sensing. A spiritual perception.

An inner knowing.

This is the witness of the Holy Spirit who is a confirming voice and reliable safe source of counsel to you.

It is also the delight of God’s Spirit to bring to memory specific Bible verses to you. Even when you haven’t consciously tried to memorise them.

And in this day of on-line everything, you can type two or three words of scipture into a search engine and instantly you can lead your own heart straight to the exact Bible reference.

You can go deeper into the context and back story, and tap into more of the fullness that is waiting for you in the riches of the living Word.

God has great plans for you.

Your ‘GO’ depends upon being sensitive to His whisper.

Under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, Joshua spoke these words to God’s people the nation of Israel: “You have not passed this way before” (Joshua 3:4).

What a great word for our post COVID-19 future!

A time which we believe is “A New Act”!

Let’s believe together that unprecedented times will be used by God’s grace as a catalyst for releasing an UNPRECEDENTED FUTURE!

‘For I know the plans I have for you’ declares the LORD, ‘plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future’ (Jeremiah 29:11).

Let’s seek an understanding of the plans and purposes of God together.

It’s seldom the entire picture and usually one step at a time, however according to Proverbs 3:5,6 ‘In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your paths’.

Don’t let the stay of this season flatten your ‘God GO’!

Keep moving.

3. Prayer and Worship

‘There he built an altar to the LORD and called upon the name of the LORD. So Abram journeyed going on still’ (Genesis 12:8,9).

We suggest to you that worship isn’t the absence of momentum or an interruption to productivity.

It’s actually the mobiliser for our ‘God GO’.

One of the great marvels of walking with God is discovering (the hard way) that often more happens in our resting with God than in the pursuit of activity ahead of Him.

Worship is a lifestyle. Not an event.

Abraham is our example in this.

The Genesis story confirms that ‘he built an altar’. Altars in this time were not built in a moment or even a day. This was an endeavour that took great care: collect the right shaped stones, form a sturdy structure, prepare the fuel, find a suitable sacrifice. And that was just the beginning.

The writings of Paul open up a radically new paradigm on this important theme of worship.

You could say that Paul alters the use of altars (mmm: if you’re still reading this blog then you’re probably ready for a joke)!

In fact our daily (unprecedented) circumstances become the altar upon which we place our own bodies.

‘I encourage you to surrender yourselves to God to be his sacred, living sacrifices. And live in holiness, experiencing all that delights his heart. For this becomes your genuine expression of worship’ (Romans 12:1 TPT).

How timely to receive this truth right here right now.

Your ‘GO’ is simply a fresh expression of surrender to your loving heavenly Father.

May His grace be powerfully released to you.


In Jesus Name: Yes. Yes. And Amen!

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