Grace can still flip history

It’s no surprise that many are struggling. 

Recent polls reveal that 70% of Aussies surveyed are drinking more alcohol than normal and one in ten are going grocery shopping every day. 

Boredom and fear are a potent mix.

It’s too early to measure the social and economic impacts of Covid-19, but one things for sure.

God’s grace can still flip history.

Here’s five ways you can activate God’s grace and bring blessing over your own life, and and on those around you.

  1. YOU MATTER. Regular exercise, fresh air, and healthy eating are essential. So too is personal time in God’s word the Bible. Reach out if you need help and support for any aspect of your health.
  2. RESOURCE & UP-SKILL. There are many great resources available on line that can grow you and help to resource you for your future. If you have extra time, then invest in yourself!
  3. REACH OUT. There are so many inspiring stories of those who are finding imaginative ways to love and care for those around. It’s more blessed to give than to receive, and it’s fun inventing socially distanced ways to do it!
  4. GET YOUR HOUSE IN ORDER. Honour God with your tithe, and ask for His grace be generous even in a time of crisis. Review your affairs and seek advice as appropriate regarding Government assistance.
  5. PRAY. God knows you by name and He notices your prayers. And in this corona crisis time, your family, your community and your Church depend upon men and women like you who will humble themselves and pray.

The vast disruption of this time will lead either to disaster or to destiny.

How you live makes a difference.

Whilst this may be the end of some aspects of life we once regarded as ‘normal’, it will also be the beginning of new and necessary adaptation and the catalyst for change.

God’s grace can still flip history.

(NOTE: parts of the above content are adapted from an article by Ps Wayne Alcorn, National President of ACC)

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