Spiritual Gifts

Have you ever wondered why the Apostle Paul said “concerning spiritual gifts, I do not want you to be ignorant”?

You can check out 1 Corinthians 12:1 to find this reference.

The purpose of this blog is to further develop understanding on this topic.

Assessment tool

As part of this discovery process, we are making this on-line self-assessment tool available.

You can use this as a guide to discovering who God has created you to be. Your answers are confidential and can only be viewed by you. Remember this is an indicator only, and is intended to give you a framework for reflection, conversation, and prayer. Here’s a link to the tool:

Spiritual Gifts Assessment Tool

We hope it helps.

Podcast teaching

We’ve also included for you a podcast of a teaching recorded on February 18th which is Part 1 of 2 teachings on Spiritual Gifts.

The link is included below.

And why might it be an advantage to NOT be ignorant about spiritual gifts?

We put forward these reasons for you to consider:

  1. God awareness – an understanding of Spiritual gifts can reveal to you more of who God is
  2. Self awareness – an understanding of Spiritual gifts can reveal to you more of who you are created to be
  3. Awareness of others – an understanding of Spiritual gifts can reveal to you more of who others are created to be

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