Blogs, podcasts & other resources

The meaning of Pentecost

Just what is Pentecost Sunday really about, and how are we to understand this event within the story of God’s plan for humanity? This teaching by Bunty Collins was presented on May 18th at HiveHub, and provides a rich Biblical context that we believe will both instruct and inspire you.

The kings are coming out of the castles

You may have heard talk of the proverbial once-in-a-career moment.

When God gave King Solomon the opportunity to ask for anything he wanted, you could say that this was that moment.

And the young rulers response is a masterclass in embracing true kingliness (ie nobility).

Some commentators suggest that Solomon’s kingdom is a prototype of the Kingdom of heaven. So as we continue, let’s look for clues that might help explain what the Kingdom of God might look today.

First, the Bible text:

Now, O LORD my God, You have made Your servant king instead of my father David, but I am a little child; I do not know how to go out or come in. And Your servant is in the midst of Your people whom you have chosen, a great people, too numerous to be numbered or counted. Therefore give to your servant an understanding heart to judge Your people, that I may discern between good and evil.

1 Kings 3:7-9

If you identify as a follower of Jesus, then can I ask you this question?

What does it mean to you to be kingly, and just how do you come out of a castle in 2024?

Or in other words, do you know how to come and go before others as representative of King Jesus and His Kingdom?

Solomon’s problem

I reckon Solomon was suffering from imposter syndrome.

He had the title of a king; he had a crown on his head; and he just completed some impressive infrastructure projects (see 1 Kings 3:1). But every time he came and went from his castle he felt like a big fake.

The problem was that he didn’t know how to be a king on the inside.

Solomon knew there was a difference between job title and role competence.

Some suggestions

The first takeaway from this story is the power of knowing what you don’t know.

And yes – there’s a difference between not knowing, and not knowing and actually admitting it.

To others, to God, and to yourself.

He didn’t try to fake it till he made it. He was gut honest with God. And it seems to me Solomon must have done a considerable amount of soul searching and reflection before the moment God turned up in the dream to ask the question.

In comparison to the towering example of his father David, Solomon humbly and without pretence simply said ‘I feel like a little child’.

And if you’re familiar with Jesus teaching about entering the Kingdom of heaven (check out Matthew 18:3), you will see the parallels.

Child likeness and humility are the entry qualities to nobility.

Kings and priests

In some church circles, being a ‘king’ is associated with being self employed and a business owner, and committing to funding church ministries and mission ventures.

These can be worthy endeavours.

But what if nobility is for everyone?

You see, the message of the gospel projects kingliness as a quality that defines every believer; not just the philanthropist or the well heeled.

How about this scripture:

But you are God’s chosen treasure – priests who are kings, a spiritual ‘nation’ set apart as God’s devoted ones. He called you out of darkness to experience his marvellous light, and now he claims you as his very own. He did this so that you would broadcast his glorious wonders throughout the world

1 Peter 2:9 TPT

Nobility is the call for every believer

More than ever before, the world around us needs believers who can come and go in front of others and demonstrate kingly behaviour.

We are called to live according to our new DNA; for all who carry the royal blood of King Jesus, there is an inbuilt desire and a grace to demonstrate His will and His ways.

Business owner; non business owner alike, we all have a new identity. We are sons and daughters of the King and are set apart as Jesus followers to be his hands and feet.

We are not meant to live in our ivory towers and stay within the four walls of our churches and our christian communities.

But what if like Solomon, you feel you don’t know how to leave your castle?

Nobles know what to ask

Solomon knew what he didn’t know AND he knew what to ask God for (and what NOT to ask for):

Then God said to him: “Because you have asked this thing, and have not asked long life for yourself, nor have asked riches for yourself, nor have asked the life of your enemies, but have asked for yourself understanding to discern justice, behold, I have done according to your words”

1 Kings 3:11,12 NKJV

How about taking a leaf from Solomon’s playbook and consider:

  1. Confessing to God that you don’t know how. Perhaps like Solomon who looked up to his father as role model whom he could not emulate, you too struggle to live up to the example of someone you admire who has been a demonstration of the Kingdom of God. Tell God about it; share your heart; humble yourself. This pleases Him and He finds childlikeness irresistible.
  2. Asking God for an understanding heart. This is super legitimate prayer, and asking is the legitimate heart posture of the legitimate relationship we now revel in as ‘sons’ (Matthew 7:9). And asking for wisdom by prayer has been modelled by the greats of Scripture such as the apostle Paul (Ephesians 1:17-23).
  3. Receiving this by grace through faith. Walk now in a Godly confidence, and believe that what you have asked for you have now received. Invite the beautiful ministry of the Spirit of God within you – welcome His wisdom that is now abounding and flowing within you.

What if

Just imagine if across the city in which you live, Christians everywhere were to do a re-set; rising up as king-priests who carry nobility within; delivering access to supernatural solutions as conduits of Divine wisdom.

Just imagine how transformative this could be.

On culture.

On society.

Yes – it’s time for kings to come out of the castles!

Lifestyle Evangelism (part 1)

What does it look like to share Jesus in everyday living? Kingdom friend Jenny Garrett opens up on her journey, and begins with the days of being shy and reserved to now finding confidence in God to boldly share Jesus.

It’s not Automated

How do you go about making decisions as a follower of Jesus?

We were asked this question recently, and in the context of a new year opening up feel it’s worthwhile sharing some thoughts on the subject.

Please share comments from your experience.


The call to be a disciple is to relationship; to be with Jesus 24×7; to make a re-set such that Jesus becomes our core focus and our reason for being.

It is through Him that we live and function and have our identity

Acts 17:28 (TPT)

Motivation looks different now.

It’s about finding out what pleases Him.


What would Jesus do?

Arising from this perspective of the Christian life, the basis for decision making also changes.

Being joined to Jesus calls for surrender to His will or the yoke can become very uncomfortable. Surrender may feel like an out of date concept, however it remains the key to Jesus life being formed in us, and to discovering His heart.

(Romans 12). Therefore He has first place and our pleasure comes from bringing Him pleasure. 

I encourage you to surrender yourselves to God to be His sacred living sacrifices. And live in holiness, experiencing all that delights His heart. For this becomes your genuine expression of worship.

Romans 12:1 (TPT)

Our decisions are formed from a place of relationship with Jesus. 

Faith is formed in this yoking relationship and we are invited into a posture of trust as in all our ways we acknowledge Him and give Him permission to let Him direct our paths (Proverbs 3:5,6).

This is the surrendered life.

This is the pathway to walking in wisdom. 

And this is the pathway to true freedom. 


A teachable heart is the indicator of true ‘son-ship’. Wise and godly decision makers are those who walk in a posture of humility and seek wise counsel. The beginning point is simply to ask (James 1:5). True asking is a high energy focussed activity (see Proverbs 2:1-12 for the varying nuances of this). 

The follower of Jesus can access counsel for decision making from: 

  1. the Word of God, the Bible (2 Timothy 3:16; 1 John 2:14) 
  2. the indwelling person of the Holy Spirit (John 16:13-15) and the wisdom we access from Him through prayer as He makes intercession for us   
  3. those gifted with discernment and prophecy (1 Timothy 1:18) 
  4. Godly men and women who are imitators of Christ (1 Corinthians 11:1)

The more we grow into Christ the more we know Him and trust Him, and the more we know Him the more we grow to be like Him, and thereby to move closer to being able to ask according to his will.  


Knowing Him and the sound of His voice is the prize, and to experience this is to experience paradise lost (John 10:4; Genesis 3:10). This is the hallmark of intimacy.  A deep knowing of the living loving God who communicates with just a look of His eye (Psalm 32:8-9) and with a depth that transcends words.   

This is the profound relationship He is wooing us to pursue. 

It’s not automated. It’s INTIMATED

Guidance on the road map of life is not automated or robotic for the believer.

Rather it is heart felt; intimated Spirit to spirit.

But as it is written:

But as it is written: “Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor has entered into the heart of man the things that God has prepared for those who love Him”. But God has revealed them to us through His Spirit. 

1 Corinthians 2:8,9 (NKJV)

Why not set aside some time now, and bring to God any decisions that you are facing as 2024 unfolds.

Ask: Lord, what is it that you are asking me to be aware?

Is there anything you want to say?

Are there any scriptures you want me to consider?

Look forward, not behind

In times of challenge and conflict, we propose it’s vital to keep focussing on the prophetic future God has promised. This podcast considers how to live with this perspective, and was recorded at the Hive Hub on October 21st 2023.

Power, Strength & Authority

What if there is more?

In this podcast, Yve Nathan presents a compelling vision for how it looks for the believer to actually walk in the identity they have in Jesus Christ. In this honest discussion of the challenges that are part of the Christian life, Yve also provides keys to help you walk in more of the attributes available through the indwelling work of the Holy Spirit.

This talk was recorded at HiveHub Sept 16th 2023.


What impact on our cities might we expect as the Gospel of the Kingdom is lived out? This podcast explores Jesus teaching on this theme, and makes a link between Kingdom living and noble thinking.

This podcast was recorded from a talk by David Nathan at HiveHub Sept 16th 2023.

Absolutely Grapefruit (blog)

Fertility and fruitfulness are significant themes in scripture.

But have you noticed that some of the big ideas in the Bible also have their fair share of mystery. For example why did God command Abram to be fruitful and multiply knowing full well that Sarai his wife was unable to conceive? And why does God allow people like Onan in Genesis 38 carry the capacity to reproduce even though he refused to be productive?


In this blog we will propose five absolutes that we consider exist next to some of the ambiguities on this topic. Let’s begin by noticing the six times (6x) repeated commission in the book of Genesis to ‘be fruitful and multiply’ (see 1:22; 1:28; 8:17; 9:1; 9:7; 35:11).

Then God blessed them, and God said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply; fill the earth and subdue it; have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over every living thing that moves on the earth”

Genesis 1:28 NKJV

Absolute #1: There is a God given mandate to reproduce

Yes – this absolute absolutely first applies to the context of natural reproduction, but as we continue to look at scripture, we see that this is a foretaste – a type – of spiritual reproduction.

Think for example of what is often referred to as ‘The great Commission’:

And Jesus came and spoke to them, saying, “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and earth. Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptising them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Amen.

Matthew 28:18-20 NKJV

Someone is counting

If you’ve ever wondered if God cares about numbers, then consider that not only is there a book of the Bible called ‘Numbers’, but it’s clear from the record of the early NT church that someone was actually keeping tally.

Absolute #2: Our fruit matters to Jesus

Then those who gladly received his word were baptised; and that day about three thousand souls were added to them

Acts 2:41 NKJV

Our fruit matters to Jesus, and it’s important in this moment to flag that He only regards it as fruit if it remains (why not check-out John 15:16). In other words – not all that might think is fruit actually lasts.

Simply put, there are two tests for fruit that lasts:

Test #1: Fruit that remains has the characteristics of Jesus Himself.

This was the consuming passion of the Apostle Paul:

My little children, for whom I labour in birth again until Christ is formed in you

Galatians 4:19 NKJV

Fruit that lasts looks like, and sounds like and has the heart of Jesus.

Test #2: Fruit that remains is born according to the Spirit; not the flesh

Interestingly, in his discussion of the Two Covenants in Galatians, Paul references the story of Ishmael and Isaac. This plays into a very big and central theme in his writings: the discussion of works (striving) and grace (believing).

And fruit that remains can’t come from any quasi alternative source. It’s of the Spirit or not at all.

Sower believe

Looking again at the story of Abram and Sarai as they were known initially, we find a prototype for justification through faith.

Then He brought him outside and said, “Look now toward heaven, and count the stars if you are able to number them.” And He said to him, “So shall your descendants be.” And he believed in the LORD, and He accounted it to him for righteousness.

Genesis 15:5-6 NKJV

Absolute #3: Fruit that remains is produced by grace through faith (not works lest any man should boast)

Perhaps to make sure this particular absolute super clear, God gave each of the three partiarchs (Abraham, Isaac & Jacob) wives who were barren.


Let this be an abiding lesson. Fruit which remains is always birthed not by strength or by might but by the Spirit of God; the Hovering One (Genesis 1:2) whom we receive by grace through faith.

Partnering with the Maker

How incomprehensible that Almighty God would want to partner with us; to impregnate us with His abundant life that we would participate in and help populate an abundant harvest.

As a consequence of being born again, our Maker further creates within us His very DNA such that we are transformed from being spiritually barren to abundantly reproductive.

Consider the metaphorical significance of Isaiah 54 in this regard.

Sing, O barren, You who have not borne! For your Maker is your husband.

Isaiah 54:1-5 NKJV

We live in the prophetic fulfilment of this, and are invited to look up to the stars with Abraham, and see the superabundant end time harvest that is yet come in to the storehouse.

Absolute #4: There is absolutely a correlation between sowing and reaping

To again reference Paul’s writings, the measure with which we sow determines the measure with which we reap (1 Corinthians 9:6-7) and then in case we don’t get it, he reminds us just how good God actually is.

Here is a masterclass in matchless grace:

Now may He who supplies seed to the sower, and bread for food, supply and multiply the seed you have sown and increase the fruits of your righteousness while you are enriched in everything for all liberality, which causes thanksgiving through us to God.

1 Corinthians 9:10-11 NKJV

Sower abide

God provides the seed by His Grace.

He multiplies the seed by His Grace.

He provides the increase to the fruit by His grace.

And He enriches us in the process by His grace.

Absolute #5: This should absolutely cause thanksgiving from us to God

Design, Diligence, and Destiny

What if we need each other more than we realise? This podcast discusses the impact that relationships have on the plans God desires to fulfil across the earth. Recorded at the HiveHub night on June 17th, this content refers to practical tools that will help you leverage relational awareness and effectiveness.

You can comment and engage with this content via content box below, or by emailing

The Who Factor

What if you look more like your Creator than you realise? This podcast was recorded at our HiveHub night on May 20th. In this teaching we explore the highly personalised way that the Holy Spirit reveals the unique imprint we carry. The key questions we consider include: Who does He say you are, and how might the answer to this impact your future?

You can comment and engage with this content via the comment box below, or by emailing

When weakness is a portal to power

Have you ever noticed that sometimes it’s helpful to see things from both sides? A dual perspective can bring a more complete understanding and we propose this is true for spiritual gifts.

Strengths and weaknesses

So in this post we publish a framework that describes the list of gifts found in the Bible in the book of Romans chapter 12. These gifts are sometimes referred to as motivational gifts or foundation gifts.

A little like it can be helpful to understand what a word means by looking at it’s opposite (or antonym), this method of teaching describes each gift in terms of both it’s strengths and also it’s potential weaknesses.

For the sake of continuity, we’ve reproduced the slides referred to at our HiveHub night on March 18th, 2023.

We hope it helps.

The gift of Insight

The gift of Ministry (serving)

The gift of Teaching

The gift of Exhortation (encouragement)

The gift of Giving

The gift of Leadership

The gift of Mercy

Spiritual Gifts

Have you ever wondered why the Apostle Paul said “concerning spiritual gifts, I do not want you to be ignorant”?

You can check out 1 Corinthians 12:1 to find this reference.

The purpose of this blog is to further develop understanding on this topic.

Assessment tool

As part of this discovery process, we are making this on-line self-assessment tool available.

You can use this as a guide to discovering who God has created you to be. Your answers are confidential and can only be viewed by you. Remember this is an indicator only, and is intended to give you a framework for reflection, conversation, and prayer. Here’s a link to the tool:

Spiritual Gifts Assessment Tool

We hope it helps.

Podcast teaching

We’ve also included for you a podcast of a teaching recorded on February 18th which is Part 1 of 2 teachings on Spiritual Gifts.

The link is included below.

And why might it be an advantage to NOT be ignorant about spiritual gifts?

We put forward these reasons for you to consider:

  1. God awareness – an understanding of Spiritual gifts can reveal to you more of who God is
  2. Self awareness – an understanding of Spiritual gifts can reveal to you more of who you are created to be
  3. Awareness of others – an understanding of Spiritual gifts can reveal to you more of who others are created to be

Why change?

As we open up part one of this three part discussion, let’s explain that this blog links to a video series with the same title.

Regardless of your relationship to the Hive community, we hope this content helps you. ‘Crossing over’ is a series of conversations about where we’re heading in 2023.

We believe change is coming, and we want to help you have the opportunity to engage with the change journey ahead.

Here’s 3 reasons to focus on as we discuss change:

  1. Flow
  2. Agency
  3. Growth


Our shared story during 2022 has included the pursuit of flow. We’re talking about the flow of the Holy Spirit; the tangible presence of God; the sense of joining to where the Father is moving (John 5:19).

During 2022 we’ve learnt that sometimes there is a relationship between fear and flow; to be clear flow requires letting go and trusting and this can be triggering because it calls for us to let go.

At times this means less structure; less programme; less hurry and more space.

This has been the story for our worship nights this year.

We’re learning to make space.



My first introduction to the idea of agency happened in my previous career as a financial planner. During this time I had ‘agencies’ with a number of Life Insurance companies.

Agents are representatives; and are empowered to transact business on behalf of the owners of the company.

This too is the manner of the Kingdom of God. As believers we are agents of the King and His Kingdom.

In 2023 we want to make room for more agency:

  • for the development and the release of spiritual gifts
  • for the identification and development of callings
  • for body ministry


AS we look toward 2023 we seek before God that we would grow – both personally; collectively; and in our effectiveness.

In practical terms, this is briefly how we we plan to ‘make space’ for growth.

  1. Venue Space
  2. Heart Space
  3. Expectation Space

This video explains more fully details about these growth initiatives, and you can also subscribe via to receive our email updates.

There is more

We believe there is more:

  • more knitting together 
  • more contributing
  • more fruitfulness 
  • more outworking of the glorious Gospel of Jesus Christ in those parts of our inner & our outer world that are still being formed into His like-ness  
  • more clarity concerning spiritual gifts
  • more leading from the Holy Spirit and experiencing the anointing and the fullness of Jesus 
  • more maturity and stability 
  • more environment and intentionality that would shift us toward this grand vision of Ephesians 4

Liquid gold

It’s a no-brainer that the rarity of precious metals is what makes them so valuable. However, what you may not know, is how essential metals such as silver and gold are to modern day life. Whilst a high percentage of precious metals are used in jewellery and ornaments, they also turn up in a wide variety of every day applications that may surprise you.

Gold for example, which is both corrosion resistant and capable of static-free electrical conduction, is used in the nearly 1.5 million smart phones sold every year.

Perhaps that explains why mobiles cost so much!

The best-known precious metals, gold (Au) and silver (Ag), have been used since ancient times.

Silver was used by the ancient Greeks for it’s natural antimicrobial properties before the discovery of modern antibiotics. Today silver continues to be used in X-rays, other medical applications, and also water purification.

Panning for gold

It’s hardly surprising that both silver and gold are referenced so frequently in the Bible; both literally and metaphorically.

Apparently Peter and John told the lame man they didn’t have any (Acts 3:6). King David on the other hand amassed so much of it that he had three thousand talents of gold and seven thousand talents of refined silver (1 Chronicles 29:4) – more than enough to underwrite the temple building project that was to be supervised by his son.

And whilst King Solomon inherited this vast wealth, he ascribed an even greater value to the treasures of wisdom.

Happy is the man who finds wisdom, and the man who gains understanding; For her proceeds are better than the profits of silver, and her gain than fine gold.

Proverbs 3:13,14

A new value proposition

The good news of the Gospel of Jesus Christ brings with it a radical re-engineering of societal strata based on earning capability, possessions, and investment accumulation. Believers become citizens in what has been aptly described as an ‘upside down kingdom’. The flimflam of meritocracy is stripped bare, and ends with emptiness. Alternatively, the pathway to genuine value begins with losing but ends with gain.

For whoever desires to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake and the gospel’s will save it

Mark 8:35,36

Do you not perceive it?

Can I propose that as a matter of urgency we need to seek God for wisdom such that we would understand more clearly His plans and purposes for the times in which we live.

Ask. Seek. Knock.

What do you perceive? You can share your thoughts and comments via email to

Some Supply chain Strategies for Staying Inspired

In a world with so much bad news, how can we keep hope alive?

Recently a friend shared a post called ‘signs of revival’. The instagram reel by Peter Grieg quoted several stories globally of breakthroughs, salvations and people turning to God.

Then my friend asked a great question:

Who do you follow on social media to stay inspired?

Here’s the underlying assumption I heard in the question: my level of inspiration is linked to the influences I choose.

What do you think about that?

Oil that inspires

You may be familiar with the parable Jesus tells about ten maidens who took oil lamps and went outside to meet the bridegroom and his bride.

Five of them were foolish and ill-prepared, for they took no extra oil for their lamps. Five of them were wise and sensible, for they took flasks of olive oil with their lamps.

Matthew 25:2-4 TPT

Oil in the scriptures is a metaphor for the Holy Spirit, who brings us revelation of the Word of God and power for ministry.

Tragically in this parable, the foolish ones run out of oil and the five wise ones refuse to share their oil.


We can’t! We don’t have enough for all of us. You’ll have to go and buy some for yourselves!

Matthew 25:9

What’s the point?

  • It’s foolish to be unprepared. The onus is on me (and you) to be prepared
  • Mmmm: You and I are responsible for our personal oil supplies

How to get extra

Here’s some thoughts:

  • daily time in God’s presence produces daily fresh oil
  • like the manna in the days of Moses, yesterdays oil is seldom satisfying today
  • my oil levels are impacted by the company I keep
  • oil is formed on the pages of God’s word; meditation enriches the flow
  • times of prayer release oil

Go ahead and comment

What strategies do you find helpful in keeping your oil levels up?

Go ahead and share your thoughts in the comments section.

Who Me?

Do you ever find yourself wondering how you can help to serve your local community and reach unchurched people?

Then maybe this opportunity is for you.


Ministry of Game is a weekly ministry run out of Waitara Anglican, where members of the public and members of the Church come together to play table-top role-playing games like Dungeons & Dragons, build connections with the community, and have fun.


‘We’d like to have more Christians around so we can expand the ministry’ says local co-ordinator Tim Allen, ‘so if you’re a mature Christian who’s already running a game and want to be part of a bigger team, if you’d like to come back to playing, start playing for the first time, or if you’d just like to learn more, please get in touch.


Contact Timothy Allen <> for details.