Tapping into flow

During our recent on-line Q&A, my co-host Tim shared a story. It went something like this:

When I first moved into my apartment, I turned on my kitchen tap and water came out, which was exactly what I expected. I took it for granted. And I would have happily continued forever in that state of childlike faith, but eventually the tap stopped working. So I started watching plumbing tutorials on YouTube, I started buying tools and supplies, I sought the advice of people I trusted, and eventually I fixed the tap, so now it works fine.

Tim Allen

So what’s the point? Tim summarised it like this:

Child-like faith is great, but sometimes (through no fault of our own) we wind up in a situation where our faith is broken, and we need answers, or at least we need reassurance that answers exist even if we don’t have them ourselves. And that’s what these live streams are about: to give people answers they need, and more importantly, to demonstrate that you can often figure out the answers for yourself.

DIY discipleship

The success of Bunnings Hardware speaks to the rise and rise of the DIY home improvements era we live in. Have you ever considered the extent to which you are a DIY disciple? In other words, to be able to search out answers by yourself?

Jesus taught his disciples the primacy of hearing God’s voice – for themselves:

My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me: And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man.

John 10:27-28

With that in mind, can we encourage you to press in to God’s Word and to His presence and to pursue the flow of living water for your personal tap.

Can I propose that following Jesus depends on keeping our inner taps flowing.

This resource might help

One of the DIY tools we mentioned on the Q&A is “Step Bible”; a free on-line Bible Study resource.

You can check it out here: https://www.stepbible.org/

You can share your feedback on this, and share other DIY tools you find helpful by emailing info@thehivechurch.com

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