Design, Diligence, and Destiny

What if we need each other more than we realise? This podcast discusses the impact that relationships have on the plans God desires to fulfil across the earth. Recorded at the HiveHub night on June 17th, this content refers to practical tools that will help you leverage relational awareness and effectiveness.

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Faith and Disruption – Pastor David Nathan

God is calling us to be present in his presence, within uncertainty
Disruption is a doorway to more
What is your readiness factor?
what is your readiness to be disturbed?
what is your readiness for presence?
what is your readiness to think differently?
what is your readiness for relationship?

Genesis 21
Romans 12
John 14:6

Kingdom Risk – Tim and Pastor Yve Nathan

God wants us to understand the value of falling, the value of failing, and recalibrating our Christian walk accordingly
We can often grow more spiritually by doing it wrong, than by doing it right.
Walking and falling, and walking and failing, are things that go together.

Psalm 37:23-24
Proverbs 24:16
John 6:18-21
Matthew 14:22-32
Micah 7:8

Failing and falling – Pastor David Nathan

God wants us to understand the value of falling, the value of failing, and recalibrating our Christian walk accordingly
We can often grow more spiritually by doing it wrong, than by doing it right.
Walking and falling, and walking and failing, are things that go together.

Psalm 37:23-24
Proverbs 24:16
John 6:18-21
Matthew 14:22-32
Micah 7:8