Why change?

As we open up part one of this three part discussion, let’s explain that this blog links to a video series with the same title.

Regardless of your relationship to the Hive community, we hope this content helps you. ‘Crossing over’ is a series of conversations about where we’re heading in 2023.

We believe change is coming, and we want to help you have the opportunity to engage with the change journey ahead.

Here’s 3 reasons to focus on as we discuss change:

  1. Flow
  2. Agency
  3. Growth


Our shared story during 2022 has included the pursuit of flow. We’re talking about the flow of the Holy Spirit; the tangible presence of God; the sense of joining to where the Father is moving (John 5:19).

During 2022 we’ve learnt that sometimes there is a relationship between fear and flow; to be clear flow requires letting go and trusting and this can be triggering because it calls for us to let go.

At times this means less structure; less programme; less hurry and more space.

This has been the story for our worship nights this year.

We’re learning to make space.



My first introduction to the idea of agency happened in my previous career as a financial planner. During this time I had ‘agencies’ with a number of Life Insurance companies.

Agents are representatives; and are empowered to transact business on behalf of the owners of the company.

This too is the manner of the Kingdom of God. As believers we are agents of the King and His Kingdom.

In 2023 we want to make room for more agency:

  • for the development and the release of spiritual gifts
  • for the identification and development of callings
  • for body ministry


AS we look toward 2023 we seek before God that we would grow – both personally; collectively; and in our effectiveness.

In practical terms, this is briefly how we we plan to ‘make space’ for growth.

  1. Venue Space
  2. Heart Space
  3. Expectation Space

This video explains more fully details about these growth initiatives, and you can also subscribe via thehivechurch.com to receive our email updates.

There is more

We believe there is more:

  • more knitting together 
  • more contributing
  • more fruitfulness 
  • more outworking of the glorious Gospel of Jesus Christ in those parts of our inner & our outer world that are still being formed into His like-ness  
  • more clarity concerning spiritual gifts
  • more leading from the Holy Spirit and experiencing the anointing and the fullness of Jesus 
  • more maturity and stability 
  • more environment and intentionality that would shift us toward this grand vision of Ephesians 4

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